Oct 19, 2016 ❤️ Jesus says... Mr. Trump is My Choice! Are you on My Side or the Enemy’s Side?

1 year ago

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Mr. Trump is My Choice!… Are you on My Side or the Enemy’s Side?

October 19, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May we all rely on the Lord’s judgment and not our own, Heartdwellers. And may our hearts be in one accord with Holy Spirit… Amen.

(Jesus) “My people, your offerings are making an impact, but so much more is needed. There are terrible slanders against this man (Donald Trump) and they are not all true. Anyone who raises their head against the Monster will be lied about in every circle. The problem is, that most Americans are too lazy to research and find out if what was said is true. They just assume it, because it’s in the media. And that’s the same mistake the German people made in Hitler’s rule.

“If you want to know the truth, come to Me. If you can’t hear Me, then find someone who does and ask them. WHAT IS AT STAKE RIGHT NOW is not Mr. Trump’s marriage, nor his character traits, nor his personal business – for if the truth were told, there would be those who look respectable, but in truth they were present when a sacrificial infant was slain, drinking his blood.

“So you see, you really don’t see. You hear, but you don’t really hear – not the truth, that is. You see and hear a facade, a socially acceptable mask, and beneath it Satan and his minions are pulling strings to slaughter all the Christians world-wide, but especially in America.

“If you are a Christian, you are slated for death in this country, unless another comes to power and at the very least delays it for a few years. Nevertheless, I will remove My church in her glory. But times until then will not be easy.

“But now I am asking you to pay very close attention to Me and not the media. If you want to preserve your country, you do not have a choice on who to vote for. I have already made that choice for you.

“In the meantime, this man is learning a whole new way of living and thinking. He did accept Me as his savior – he did. Now, he is finding out how detestable his behavior has been all these years. He is deeply ashamed of himself, as he should be. But not everything said about him is true. There are many, many lies and manipulations to convince the non-thinking public he is unfit for the job and a scandal.

“I am standing here waiting for you, My People. I have drawn a line in the desert, even as Moses did when he confronted Korah. I am not suggesting that Mr. Trump is morally cleaner and free from error than Mrs. Clinton. I am simply saying he is My choice, because he will do My will and bidding. I have chosen him to lead this country back into a healthy state, that at the very least the structure that upholds your rights will be intact. There will come a time when none of that matters, but in the meantime, I have chosen him to lead.

“So I am standing here and asking you to choose… Are you on My side or the enemy’s side? Your decision has life-long consequences. This is not about choosing the most socially acceptable candidate. This is a war you’re in. And you have the power to overcome the enemy right now.”

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