Fake Loan App सबसे बड़ा Scam In India!कैसे सुसाइड के कगार पर पहुंचा रहे फ्रॉड लोन ऐप्स?

1 year ago

सावधान: 🛑 Fake Loan App सबसे बड़ा Scam In India!कैसे सुसाइड के कगार पर पहुंचा रहे फ्रॉड लोन ऐप #technicalstarx
description introduction :-
#instant #Fake #loan apps are being run from China due to which people are being targeted in India and here people are being mentally tortured due to which people are taking unknowing steps which also includes problems like suicide. Now our understanding should be this. We should never buy lawn from instant lawn apps..
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If you are not able to repay the loan then don't worry, read your rights here
Online loan app harassment की ऐसे करें शिकायत
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How do fake loan apps work?
What is instant loan scam?
Which loan apps are fraud?
Which fake loan apps are banned in India?
What is an illegal loan?
What is a false loan?
How to catch a loan scam?
What is loan app harassment?
How do I report a fake loan?
How do I stop fake loans?
#instant loan application
#chinafakeloan app
Thanks 🙏🙏

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