Why is the Appointed Son victorious?

1 year ago

Cleanliness is the Secret to VICTORY

Responsibility to cleanliness is the secret to victory.

Why is the Appointed Son victorious?

You see my example? I am still your model for cleanliness, not only cleanliness but orderliness.

If you don’t know how to order your house and your room, don’t tell me you can order your spiritual house and room inside where the Father dwells. And the Father is a God who loves cleanliness. That is His command.

In the Old Testament, it said there in Deuteronomy, Israel would camp around during the time of war.

In the night, the Lord God said, “I’ll be walking in the camp. If I can see something that came out from you,

If I can see something like that and you did not take care of it, I will put you into the hands of your enemy the following day.”

They will be defeated because of that.

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