How to Style Your Hair before Bed | Salon Hair Tutorial

10 months ago

Hey, everybody. My name is Dhiran Mistry. I work at the John Barrett Salon at Bergdorf Goodman. I’m with the beautiful Andrea today. We’re going to show you how to style your hair before bed.

If your hair is already lovely and bouncy and wavy and curly, and you want to keep that, the best thing to do is to touch it on your head so you don’t mess it up whilst your head is laying down on a pillow. Another great thing to use is a silk pillowcase because that will stop too much friction with the hair and the material on the pillow.

What I’m going to do is ask Andrea just to tilt her head back for me. You want to maintain all of the wave and curl in the hair. As you can see, there’s plenty going on here. We don’t want to lose that because what happens most of the time is you wake up, you sweat a little bit when you sleep and that completely ruins a lovely hairdo.

As you can see, we’re going to try and maintain all of this wave. I’m just going to place my hand towards the crown and keeping all of the curl, just wrap the hair around my hand very, very loosely. Once I’ve done that, I’m just going to twist it on top of Andrea’s head and pop in some pins. You can use pins like these; they’re very easy. You can find them anywhere. All you want to do is just tuck them into the hair like that so they don’t hurt. Do they, Andrea? We just put a few in there just to keep the hair in place. As you can see, we’re placing all of these pins on top of the head.

Okay, there we have it. It looks a bit messy as it is, but that’s not a problem because when she wakes up, she’ll be able to pull the pins out and still have all of that luscious curl. As you can see, the hair is clean off of her head. When she leans down on a pillow, all of this section of her head which will be the part that touches the pillow will not damage the curl that we have because we placed it on top of her head. Don’t worry about the top if it looks a bit messy; it’ll probably give it a bit more life as you pull it down in the morning.

As you can see, Andrea has just woken up. This is what she looks like first thing in the morning. All you need to do is just find those pins that you placed in the night before, pull them out one by one. They might have moved a little bit while she was asleep, but don’t worry, they’re still there. Pull all the pins out, let the hair fall, give it a shake and there you have it. Your hair is as good as it was the night before.

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