Is "Armageddon" close and how could the chosen/elect escape "all these things?"

10 months ago

Published Dec 3rd , 2023
Streamed live on Nov 30, 2023
Join myself and Steve Moutria of Torah Family as we "geek out" on prophecy, our CURRENT understandings, questions we have and passages which "mainstream" Christianity has largely ignored when writing and/or commenting on the return of Yeshua as Judge and King.

I really enjoy Steve's teachings on this topic because he thinks outside the box AND is not dogmatic or divisive when others disagree.

Questions which will most likely be discussed, but perhaps not "answered" definitively OR even in agreement, will most likely include the following:

1. How and when is the period known as the great tribulation "cut short" per Yeshua in Matthew 24?

2. Is there a bridal selection prior to when the elect are gathered AFTER those days of great tribulation?

3. Is it possible there will be a literal harpazo/snatching/taking away of the bride prior to the resurrection? Are there examples of disciples being "raptured" BUT ... remaining mortal.

3. What appointed times/feasts AND/OR other dates in the prophets point to when Biblical events will be fulfilled?

4. Does the Torah instruction pertaining to a newly married groom to His bride apply to Yeshua as the Bridegroom and those chosen as the bride?

5. Is it a "coincidence" that Noah and 7 others were protected through the flood judgment and were in the ark for a 1 year period of 360 days PLUS an additional 10 days? Does this align with Revelation 11 and 13 regarding 42 months equaling exactly 1260 days (30 day months + the ten days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippurim)

If you know me, we will chase these Biblical threads and paths until Steve shuts the discussion down.

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