Emotional And Physical Healing 432hz Sounds 12 Hours To Regenerate Whole Body

1 year ago

Emotional And Physical Healing 432hz Sounds This ancient yet unique solfeggio frequency that has its roots in science, architecture, musical history, and geometry. Did you know that the music we listen to on a daily basis is always at 440 Hz? This is the case, thanks to international tuning standards. When we change the A tuning to 432 Hz, even if at eight cycles for every second, there exists a shift in our bodies and thoughts. Science has shown that a patient who was fond of listening to the 432 frequency music before, during, or after a root canal surgery would experience less anxiety. This is thanks to nerves soothing, which leads to improved vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure. Undoubtedly, 432 Hz is a healing frequency. If a frequency can positively influence the results of surgery, then, why won’t it change our lives? Listening to a 432 frequency music will reduce anxiety, give you emotional healing, and more excellent intuition.

Music has always been the force to reckon with. Music affects your psyche, affecting some internal functions such as the heart rate, reducing anxiety, and blood pressure. Music is made of frequencies. The frequencies in a track will influence our feelings and the responses of the brain, which will depend on a combination of track frequencies. The 432 frequency gives a person a strong relaxation sense. A 432 Hz frequency music ensures the brain is tuned to the earth frequency.

Playing and listening to music that has been tuned to 432 Hz creates a sense of peace and well being as it is the harmonic intonation of nature. Lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz helps to calm the body and mind which in turn makes us more flexible, creative, peaceful and spontaneous; It also helps in the release of negative energy and can easily put us in a wonderful state of calm where relaxation is natural. It is the scale that unites the body and consciousness with nature.

We cannot describe 8 Hz without including 432 Hz in the music world. Simply, neither of the two can exist independently. Musically, 8 Hz forms the groundwork for 432 Hz. The frequency at 432 Hz aligns with our planet’s heartbeat. Medical doctors have stated that brain waves resonate perfectly at around 8 Hz. The frequency will resonate inside a person’s body, thereby releasing any emotional blockage and align the person with the universe’s heartbeat. The 432 frequency music heightens perception, increases the mental clarity of a person and unlocks intuition.

Generally, this frequency has been proven to be a healing frequency since it reduces anxiety, lowers the heart rate, and blood pressure. It is a frequency that encourages the synchronicity between both brain hemispheres, which increase intuition, insight, and creativity. This frequency has been found in geometrical arrangements in some of the ancient sites such as Stone Henge and the Great Pyramid. The frequency is at times said to be scientific tuning. Music is made of healing properties due to its frequencies. Music therapists have been using music frequencies to restore the memory of patients suffering from Alzheimer and improve the basic movement skills in stroke patients. Evidence from science and nature has been pointing towards 432 Hz being a powerful frequency, which should form the basis of tuning instruments. For an increased well-being rate, the frequency plays a role in meditation and ensuring that the brain is attuned for the general well-being of a person. The 432 frequency produces calming effects, with just listening to the frequencies, which decrease anxiety and stress to its barest minimum.

432 Hz, otherwise known as Verdi’s A, was the music tuning standard prior to today’s tuning of 440 Hz. It is widely considered a superior tuning that makes music more pleasant to listen to. It is also said to have a positive influence on the mind and body due to its relationship with our planet.

Giuseppe Verdi did not use 432 Hz as the base pitch for his music, but he expressed a slight preference for it because he was concerned about singers. Scientific pitch, also known as philosophical pitch, Sauveur pitch, or Verdi tuning, is an absolute concert pitch standard based on middle C being set to 256 Hz rather than 261.62 Hz, making it approximately 37.6 cents lower than the common A440 pitch standard. It was first proposed in 1713 by French physicist Joseph Sauveur, promoted briefly by Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi in the 19th century, then advocated by the Schiller Institute beginning in the 1980s with reference to the composer, but naming a pitch slightly lower than Verdi's preferred 432 Hz for A and making controversial claims regarding the effects of this pitch. Mozart did not use 432 Hz for all his music, and the only Mozart's "A" supplied it was in 1780 and was of 421.6 Hz.

The 6 Healing Sounds and Their Therapeutic Applications Sounds are among the most powerful vibrations in our universe. Do you recall hearing traffic noise from afar, a sleepless night when neighbors are partying several blocks away, or joyful sounds of children laughing in a distant playground? Sound waves have the power to penetrate through cement walls and glass windows. They have a significant impact on our brains as well, as they vibrate through the nervous system and soft tissues of the human body. The sounds we absorb and the sounds we voice have significant impact on our daily experiences.

The six healing sounds are primary, pre-language vocal expressions. Regardless of culture, race, or geographical location, babies all over the world express these sounds prior to communication through words. According to the Taoist teaching of Chi Nei Tsang, the six healing sounds are associated with the 5 Elements and the Navel Gate.

Each of these vocal tones vibrates through the body in a unique frequency that activates a specific element and its related organs.

Chinese medicine views the internal organs as containers of the qi, our life force energy, including our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. The healing sounds help to harmonize the qi vibrations amongst all these aspects. By using a specific vowel, sound waves access a particular organ and open up energetic blocks and stagnation, restoring flow and vitality.

As infants, we make these sounds instinctively to support and strengthen the development of our life-giving systems. As we grow, the sounds are replaced with words, and we stop using them.

Toning the six healing sounds is a powerful practice that preserves our connection to our primary instincts as infants, assisting in nurturing and rejuvenating the internal organs throughout our life.

Toning requires deep breaths with long exhalations to vocalize the sound. This brings calmness to the entire nervous system, allowing us to open blocked qi, balance the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual vibrations, transform unsupportive feelings or thoughts, and enhance our health and wellbeing.

Toning activates our vocal cords and opens up the throat chakra. This energetic center is associated with the communication, expression, creativity, and speaking one’s truth. The throat is also a bridge between the head and the chest. The healing sounds connect our brain with our heart, creating harmonious flow between the body, the emotions, and the mind.

Intentional sounds are very beneficial for emotional healing. Scientists have found that sounds and music have a therapeutic effect as they register in different areas of the brain. The beat, rhythm, pitch, and volume each activate a specific area of the brain and harmonize them—especially the amygdala, the part of the brain that processes emotions and feelings.

Emotions are the bridge between the dense and the subtle vibrations of the body, as they contain two components:

The energetic element of energy in motion (“e-motion”, “emotion”). Flowing waves of subtle vibrations influence the state of the electromagnetic field.
The physical element of feelings. As the refined energy of the emotions accumulates more density, it produces chemical changes and physical sensations.
Feelings are the languishing of sensations, in which the emotions communicate with the physical body. They bridge between the subtle vibrations and the tangible aspects of our physical experience. Balancing the emotions supports the healing of physical symptoms enhancing flow and vitality.

There are many therapeutic applications of the healing sounds. I still recall the profound experience at my first exploration of these sounds in a Chi Nei Tsang training course. Various sensations and symptoms in my body began to make sense and heal. I learned to recognize them as energetic blocks calling for attention.

Later on in my practice, I created the “Soul-Gate Healing” emotional release process. It includes verbal intentions to increase awareness of one’s emotional stress and tools to transform tension. Blending this process with the healing sounds helps my clients overcome various symptoms and purify un-supportive beliefs and tense emotions. It is especially beneficial when incorporated with hands-on methods, such as:

CNT internal organ manipulations: to support the functions of the organs for purification and rejuvenation with hands-on techniques while toning the sounds.

Navel points: to open up the Navel Gate, our original gate of nourishment and purity.

Massage: to release pain, stress, and toxicity from the body’s cells, increasing qi circulation and strengthening overall health.

Acupressure points: to enhance the potency and therapeutic effect of the points.

Balancing the chakras: to harmonize the main energetic centers of the body and their related organs.

Qi/yoga/meridians stretch: combines the healing sounds with qigong movements, yoga, meridians stretch, and meditations. This practice deepens the connection to our core, to the breath, to oneself, and to others. It strengthens the physical body, calms the emotions, and harmonizes our yin and yang energy flow for rejuvenation and relaxation.

In our divided world of systematic race, cultural hate, aggression and survival challenges, practice with healing sounds helps to unite us all as human beings. It brings us back to our pre-language authentic self, so that we may bridge our differences, heal, and find peace within and without.

440HZ Vs 432 HZ Proof of Sounds Healing Power

For years I have nudged my friends and family about the music and entertainment they listen to and accept as true. Since taking a detour in the professional music Industry (in 2010) I have put a lot of effort forth to teach others the power of the Decibel and the effects of mind-altering waves induced by the Omega HZ.

Music, Life, Love and Harmony, all play an important role in our daily lives. Some people enjoy hardcore Heavy metal while others enjoy classical music from the past. Why is there such a drastic difference in personality types and music? Well, it has to do with the frequencies that have been universally accepted and tuned into our daily lives. Music can be healing and damaging based on the frequencies that we allow our minds to become open to absorbing. Subliminal messaging starts within the parameters of sound not vocal/larynx sound but audible pitches.

(Question, Why is it that music of Religion whether it be Tibetan, Hindu, Thai, or Orthodox all have the most pleasant tones? This all has to do with 432HZ and the sound of the ancients was literally a sound that is now almost deceased. We must resurrect the 432 HZ and give back the power to the people!) Music and color are universal if created with Bright colors and soothing tones. Dark colors portray negativity in all cultures as it is the same with music. Music has negative ranges just as all walks of life are calloused with much yin and the same amount of yang. Yin may be more noticeable to some as this is what protects us from making the same mistakes twice. Why do we continue to make the same mistakes with music? Now that the teachers have shown us the truth it is now up to the listener to apply common sense.

Let's go back to when Mozart reigned as a composer. Move forward a bit and imagine sitting in one of Beethoven's live concerts! The sound you would have heard from these composers would have been different from that same musical composition today. Tuning forks were taught/enforced/encouraged to be tuned and enforced by the Music Commission in 1885. Ever since gradually increasing HZ until 440 was established as a tone that all pianos in the world would agree to be tuned to. That's why when you visit China the piano emits the same frequency. We have been surrounded by control since before we were born. The hidden agendas slowly bleed through our canvas like the crappy watered-down ink we call life and life in music. All of the G7 have agreed that control on all levels should be established and

Psychology ops are the greatest weapon for controlling the eternal souls of man.
Since 432 Hz was described in mathematics as consistent with the fractals/patterns in the universe. Mimicking the same Golden ratio as described in Greek philosophy. "Phi". We see that nature has time, and time has shown us how to live. Nature produces these same fractals in Nautilus shells as well as has been used by the ancient Egyptians in building the pyramids. 432 HZ has been called the Beat of Earth. Anything between 432HZ and 440HZ is influential to the 3rd eye. Different HZ affect different Chakras.

If you can control the mind you can control the heart. These variables in pitches strongly influence the Chakra of the Heart, which in some controls morality, reason, and doubt, as does the mind process these modes of thought into action. If we can control the mind we control the heart and if we control the heart we control the mind. Most sound is tuned within the frequencies of 3rd eye influence instead of being beautiful and influencing the heart. Mozart recorded at the Heart decibel 432.

Mind you there is nothing damaging about these Hz in small amounts and especially if we are aware of the powerful forces music contains. Listening to music too loudly is always damaging especially when tuned to 440Hz (which everything is). What is damaging is the 440HZ’s vibration. The purpose of healing music Aka the “Almighty Ohm” has been destroyed as the words that are inserted and recorded at 440HZ will sink in even deeper (subliminally) into the mind, dismantling cells through vibration as they destroy healthy cells. We (willingly) invite this destruction as we listen to entertainment/sound, unaware of the intent within messaging, and this all happens without our approval even.

The 3rd eye HZ ratio influences this beautiful mind we have been gifted and we are constantly allowing ourselves to become controlled by what we think is entertaining and “cool” however these psychological devices implant messages of false truth into our subconscious to arise later in our beliefs and actions. Violence may occur even if implanted into weaker minds as triggers. These triggers can be implanted and activated when played as why some songs we hear that were programmed at a bad time in our life create negative reactions, we just don’t wish to hear it even if it may be a hit. The psychology of memory within sound and smell is the strongest recall we have as humans.

So why would they change the universal pitch for the note "A" on the common piano in 1885? Well, first think of what time this came into play. There was a big Industry boom around that time. The world needed (and needs) more WORKERS! The ever-changing increase in HZ (since 1885) now comes in 1940. Rockefeller Foundation rediscovered the pitch 440HZ and described 440HZ as "sinister and evil". (the Rockefeller Foundation...)

Everything we have been taught as truth described as loving is actually not entirely true. Love is as Love does… Truth is in the eye of the beholder is it not? 440HZ influences a specific Chakra, (the 3rd eye) which was categorized by the Rockefellers as being overtly easy to open with 440HZ. (This was done with testing and scientists proving it so.) Therefore, the agenda is to place many hidden messages within the body of sound.

Poof! Magically the recipients have succumbed to mind control, willingly. Rockefellers proved that 440HZ over a long period of time is easier to weaponize in order to instigate and create disease and disrupt healthy cells by breaking them down with negative vibrations. Intensive studies have proven to disrupt, disharmonize, and create disunity by using sound. Sound waves have been used in war at the lowest decibel, disengaging the person with their own circadian rhythm and digestion all triggered by a sound emitted at a high pitch and at the lowest decibel, barely noticeable to the human ear.

After World War 2 we humans realized it was easier to control people when psychology was applied (For de Fuhrer Quote Alan Cross). We have been in the age of Psy-ops for over a hundred years. When are the people going to demand a change? The truth is here, what we can do about it is educate others and dismantle the system by ignoring their teachings and clicking the box 432Hz instead of 440hz when we choose to record as electronic engineers and musicians.

Next time you think about the music you are listening to please remember that the majority of music is recorded in 440HZ. If you don't believe me that 432 HZ is safer on the ear and system well, please listen for yourself. I have included a link to an article that talks about all of what I just said here. This is an article by Alan Cross at Global News.ca. https://globalnews.ca/news/4194106/440-hz-conspiracy-music/

So now think about Enya, Think about Gregorian Monks chanting and Tibetan Prayer Bowls for meditation... This specific vibration is a tone/HZ and was harnessed to heal not damage (Mantra chanting has been used for centuries in many countries). Think now about how disruptive Rock Music truly is in comparison to Classical (I Love Journey, Sturgill Simpson, & Metallica Btw, I am not knocking rock, maybe Ska tho...). Classical music was created before the 432-440 switch. Music used to be far more healing and therefore the people who listened were also healed and happy beings of light, spreading light. There was not as much Mental health disparity nor crime as now back when 432Hz was the common theme.

440HZ has created a disruption as it degrades and separates us literally. Music should be soothing to everyone's ear, not just a select few. How we are raised and what we listen to strongly affects our mental stability, friendliness, cleanliness, and creative thought patterns of positivity. One cannot be positive if one is drowning out positive vibrations with negative ones, can they?

I suggest taking the 440HZ challenge by clicking the link above and also reading his article below. Please be cautious about everything you allow to influence you. If you are just listening to the music and not the words I pray you will find solace within the growth of self and discover how we are being controlled to buy things and accept negativity as okay based on the messages we consider acceptable, the leaders we look up to, and entertainment we accept as truth.

Nothing was worse for me than to hear the N-word in rap music songs when they were playing in my head. The lyrics we take in as ok and the things we accept as Ok will seriously damage our system over time. Not to mention (most) music seems to single out crowds rather than bring folks together this is just my observation. That's why I never have chosen a specific sound that I call my own. When you name me, you negate me… I always feel the music for what it is rather than what I expect music to be. I know about HZ quality vs. inequality based on my engineering expertise. I have been experiencing the wrong music for my entirety and now I try and use 432 HZ when I need to heal naturally, seeking out 432 HZ (without realization) after I abandoned the spotlight.

I imagine most who are reading this have also sought out some light music if they prefer faster-paced, House, Techno, Rock/Metal, or Hip-hop music. I feel true music appreciation includes all soothing tones regardless of artist or genre in my opinion. We search for lighter music because it heals us. Let's all try opening our Sacral Heart Chakra instead of complying with Rockefeller's plan of disunity. Please be cautious of all you ingest and accept as true. May the light guide all of my brothers and sisters forever and ever.
I know that I do not know- Pythagoras

A note to producers: Remember producers, you have the choice to click 440hz recording mode or 432 at recording parameter setup when adding tracks to an armed device. Please remember how impactful 440Hz is on the mind and choose to click the 432Hz option in order to reduce mental blockage. Especially if you are recording heavy metal or loud music that is meant to be ear-piercing when heard live.

Healing Frequencies: The Complete List You heard of healing frequencies but aren’t quite sure what sounds or frequencies are considered healing and how they work?

With so much information out there about alternative therapies and wellness practices, it’s easy to get confused!

From solfeggio tones and binaural beats to tuning forks and singing bowls, there is lot to learn.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about healing frequencies, including how they work, and will give you the most complete list of specific frequencies Hz values and explain their therapeutic effects. Keep reading!

How Healing Frequencies Work?
The idea behind healing with frequency is that certain frequencies can resonate with and stimulate different parts of the body, leading to a healing effect.

One of the most commonly asked questions we hear:

Do healing frequencies actually work?

There are several scientific theories that attempt to explain how healing frequencies work to promote healing and well-being.

The Entrainment Theory
One theory is based on the idea of entrainment, which is the synchronization of two or more oscillating systems.

When two objects with different frequencies come into contact, they can influence each other and eventually sync up. This is the principle behind how pendulum clocks synchronize over time.

Similarly, when we are exposed to healing frequencies, it is believed that our brainwaves and bodily systems can entrain to these frequencies, promoting a state of relaxation and reducing stress.

The Energy Theory
Another theory is based on the idea that all matter is made up of energy, and that different frequencies of energy can affect our physical and emotional well-being.

This is supported by research on the effects of sound on the body, which has shown that certain frequencies can have a measurable effect on heart rate, blood pressure, and brain activity.

The Chemical Theory
Finally, some research suggests that certain frequencies may have an effect on the body at the cellular level, by promoting the release of certain chemicals or enzymes that are involved in healing and repair.

For example, the study published by the Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy shown that the frequency of 528 Hz can promote energy metabolism and cellular repair of damaged tissue.

What’s The Difference Between Healing Sounds And Healing Frequencies?
While healing sounds and healing frequencies are related and often used together in sound therapy, they are not interchangeable terms.

Healing sounds refer to any sound that is believed to have therapeutic properties, such as the sound of waves crashing on the shore, the chirping of birds, or the rustling of leaves in the wind.

These sounds can be natural or artificial and are often used in sound therapy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

Healing frequencies, on the other hand, specifically refer to the frequencies of sound waves that are believed to have healing properties.

These frequencies are measured in Hertz (Hz) and are often associated with specific parts of the body, such as the Chakras or the organs.

For example, the frequency of 528 Hz is believed to promote healing and repair at the cellular level, while the frequency of 432 Hz is thought to promote balance and harmony.

For example, here’s a collection of relaxing rain sounds that can have a calming and soothing effect on your nervous system:

What Musical Instruments Can Generate Healing Frequencies?
There are quite a few musical instruments, both acoustic and electronic, that can produce healing frequency sounds.

Some of the most common instruments used for sound healing practices include:

Singing Bowls
Singing bowls are metal bowls that are used to produce a range of sounds and frequencies, and are often used in sound healing practices.

Gongs are large metal discs that are struck with a mallet to produce deep, resonant sounds. They are often used in sound baths and other forms of meditation.

Crystal Bowls
Crystal bowls (a type of singing bowl that is made from crystal or other types of minerals) can produce a range of higher frequencies when struck or played with a mallet.

Tuning Forks
Tuning forks are metal instruments that vibrate at a specific frequency when struck, and are often used in sound therapy and other forms of vibrational healing.

Finally, a synthesizer can create a pure sine wave at a specific frequency that is considered to be a healing frequency.

Many modern synthesizers come with a built-in function generator or oscillator that can produce sine waves at various frequencies, including those associated with healing.

There are also software-based synthesizers that can produce sine waves at specific frequencies.

The Complete List Of Healing Frequencies
Below you will find the most complete list of various types of healing frequencies along with their values (in Hz) and a brief explanation of their healing effect.

1. Solfeggio Frequencies
Solfeggio frequencies are a set of sound frequencies believed by some to have therapeutic benefits, including reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation, and enhancing physical and emotional healing.

The frequencies are based on a musical scale that dates back to the ancient times.

There are six primary frequencies in the set:

396 Hz – The “Liberating Frequency”

396Hz frequency sound helps to release negative thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns and promote a sense of liberation and freedom.

417 Hz – The “Resonating Frequency”,

417Hz sounds can help to clear negative energy and influences and promote positive change and transformation.

528 Hz – The “Love Frequency”

Love frequency promotes relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, enhance creativity, and promote a sense of well-being.

Learn more about the benefits of 528 Hz tuned music and sounds.

639 Hz – The “Connecting Frequency”

639Hz aims to promote harmonious relationships, increase communication, and promote emotional healing and balance.

741 Hz – The “Awakening Frequency”

In alternative medicine, 741Hz sounds are believed to promote a deeper level of awareness, enhance intuition, and promote spiritual growth.

852 Hz – The “Intuition Frequency”

852Hz frequency helps to establish clarity of thought and improve communication, as well as enhance spiritual awareness and intuition.

There are three additional, less known solfeggio frequencies outside of the main six:

174 Hz – The “Foundation Frequency”

This frequency is believed to help reduce pain, promote a sense of safety and security, and support physical and emotional healing.

285 Hz – The “Healing Frequency”

That’s a good one! This particular sound is believed to help promote physical healing, especially of wounds and injuries.

963 Hz – The “Frequency of the Universe”

A higher, 963Hz frequency promotes spiritual awakening, activate the pineal gland, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

Learn more about 963 Hz frequency benefits and how it works.

Finally, here are two additional frequencies above 1000Hz:

1074 Hz – The “Spiritual Frequency”

This high pitch frequency once again helps with spiritual growth and awareness, enhance intuition, and improve communication with higher consciousness.

1174 Hz – The “Balance Frequency”

A higher alternative of the 528Hz frequency helps to balance energy centers in the body, promote mental clarity and alertness, and enhance creativity and productivity.

Alternative Solfeggio Frequencies

There are two more “alternative” frequencies that may be helpful in some specific situations.

1152 Hz is helpful for spiritual purification and to help you access higher spiritual realms.

It is said to help release negative thoughts and emotions, allowing you to see the world in a more positive light.

2172 Hz is a less known solfeggio frequency and it is related to spiritual enlightenment, transcendence and ascension.

Some sources suggests that this frequency helps in the spiritual awakening process, allowing you to connect with higher spiritual realms and to access a greater understanding of the universe.

Solfeggio Frequency Combinations

The individual solfeggio frequencies are sometimes combined in various ways to create different effects or to target specific intentions or outcomes.

Here are some examples:

396 Hz + 528 Hz

396 Hz is associated with releasing fear and guilt, while 528 Hz is known as the “Love Frequency” and is believed to promote healing and DNA repair. This combination is often used for overall healing and releasing negative emotions.

417 Hz + 639 Hz

417 Hz is associated with undoing situations and facilitating change, while 639 Hz is believed to enhance communication and promote harmonious relationships. This combination is used for resolving conflicts and improving interpersonal connections.

528 Hz + 741 Hz

This combination amplifies the healing properties of 528 Hz with 741 Hz, which is associated with intuition and spiritual awakening. It is used to promote spiritual growth and awareness.

852 Hz + 963 Hz

852 Hz is believed to awaken intuition and enhance inner strength, while 963 Hz is associated with pineal gland activation and higher consciousness. This combination is used for spiritual awakening and connecting with higher realms.

396 Hz + 417 Hz + 528 Hz

This combination combines frequencies for releasing fear, facilitating change, and promoting healing and love. It is used for overall well-being and emotional healing.

174 Hz + 741 Hz

174 Hz is associated with grounding and the foundation of life, while 741 Hz is linked to intuition and awakening. This combination is used to balance and align the physical and spiritual aspects of life.

285 Hz + 963 Hz

285 Hz is said to influence energy fields and promote rejuvenation, while 963 Hz is associated with higher consciousness. This combination is used for energy clearing and spiritual growth.

2. Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are a type of sound wave therapy that involves playing two different frequencies of sound into each ear. The difference between the two frequencies creates a rhythmic pulsing sound that is believed to affect brainwaves and promote relaxation and other therapeutic effects.

When the brain hears two different frequencies in each ear, it creates a third frequency that is the difference between the two.

For example, if the left ear is exposed to a frequency of 200 Hz and the right ear is exposed to a frequency of 210 Hz, the brain will create a binaural beat with a frequency of 10 Hz.

This effect is thought to work by entraining the brainwaves to the frequency of the binaural beat, which can promote a range of therapeutic benefits.

Some of the most commonly used binaural beat frequencies include:

Delta (1-4 Hz)

Delta waves are associated with deep sleep and relaxation. Binaural beats in the delta range are used to promote restful sleep and relaxation.

Theta (4-8 Hz)

Theta waves are associated with meditation, creativity, and deep relaxation. Binaural beats in the theta range are used to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance creativity.

Alpha (8-12 Hz)

Alpha waves are associated with relaxation, meditation, and mental clarity. Binaural beats in the alpha range are used to promote relaxation and improve focus and concentration.

Beta (12-30 Hz)

Beta waves are associated with alertness, focus, and concentration. Binaural beats in the beta range are used to promote mental clarity and increase energy and focus.

Gamma (30-100 Hz)

Gamma waves are associated with heightened states of awareness and consciousness. Binaural beats in the gamma range are used to promote deep meditation and spiritual experiences.

3. Brain Entrainment Frequencies

Brainwave entrainment frequencies are similar to binaural beats, however, there are some key differences between the two.

Binaural beats involve playing two different frequencies of sound into each ear, while brainwave entrainment refers to any type of therapy that involves using sound to entrain the brainwaves to a specific frequency.

This can include binaural beats, as well as other techniques like isochronic tones and monaural beats.

As with binaural beats, the frequencies used in brainwave entrainement therapy focus on five frequency ranges that match specific brain waves:

Delta (1-4 Hz), Theta (4-8 Hz), Alpha (8-12 Hz), Beta (12-30 Hz), and Gamma (30-100 Hz).

4. Chakra Tones Frequencies
Chakras are the seven energy centers in the human body that correspond to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual functions.

Each chakra is associated with a specific color, sound, and frequency.

Here are the seven chakra tones frequencies:

396 Hz – Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The root chakra is associated with the color red and the frequency of 396 Hz. It is believed to govern our sense of stability, safety, and groundedness. Listening to music or tones in this frequency is thought to help with issues related to anxiety, fear, and a lack of security.

417 Hz – Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

The sacral chakra is associated with the color orange and the frequency of 417 Hz. It is believed to govern our sense of creativity, sexuality, and pleasure. Listening to music or tones in this frequency is thought to help with issues related to creativity, sexuality, and emotional balance.

528 Hz – Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow and the frequency of 528 Hz. It is believed to govern our sense of personal power, self-esteem, and confidence.

Listening to this frequency is thought to help with issues related to self-worth, self-confidence, and personal power.

639 Hz – Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The heart chakra is associated with the color green and the frequency of 639 Hz. It is believed to govern our sense of love, compassion, and connection.

Listening to music or tones in this frequency is thought to help with issues related to emotional balance, forgiveness, and relationships.

741 Hz – Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The throat chakra is associated with the color blue and the frequency of 741 Hz. It is believed to govern our sense of communication, self-expression, and authenticity.

Listening to music or tones in this frequency is thought to help with issues related to self-expression, communication, and authenticity.

852 Hz – Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo and the frequency of 852 Hz. It is believed to govern our sense of intuition, wisdom, and inner vision. Listening to music or tones in this frequency is thought to help with issues related to intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness.

963 Hz – Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra is associated with the color violet and the frequency of 963 Hz.

It is believed to govern our sense of spirituality, connection to the divine, and transcendence. Listening to music or tones in this frequency is thought to help with issues related to spiritual growth, connection to the divine, and enlightenment.

5. Schumann Resonance (7.83 Hz)
Schumann resonance refer to the electromagnetic frequencies that occur naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere.

These frequencies are generated by lightning discharges in the ionosphere and are named after the physicist who first predicted their existence, Winfried Otto Schumann.

The primary Schumann resonance frequency is approximately 7.83 Hz, which is often referred to as the “Earth’s heartbeat”.

6. Quantum Healing Frequencies
Quantum healing frequencies refer to sound frequencies that are believed to interact with the body at the quantum level, affecting the body’s energy fields and promoting healing and wellness.

Some common quantum healing frequencies include:

432 Hz

432Hz sounds are universally associated with promoting calmness, relaxation, and a sense of well-being.

528 Hz

Associated with DNA repair, transformation, and spiritual growth, and is sometimes called the “love frequency.”

639 Hz

Associated with relationships, communication, and connecting with others, and is believed to promote harmony and balance.

741 Hz

Cleaning the purification of the body and mind, cleansing of toxins, and promoting clarity and focus.

852 Hz

Opening the third eye, expanding consciousness, and promoting spiritual insight and intuition.

7. Isochronic Tones
Isochronic tones is a type of sound therapy that involves listening to a series of tones that are evenly spaced in time.

Unlike binaural beats, which require headphones to be effective, isochronic tones can be listened to through speakers or headphones.

Like with brainwave entrainment, isochronic tones focus on five brain wave frequency ranges, such as Delta waves (0.5 to 4 Hz), Theta waves (4 to 8 Hz), Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz), Beta waves (12 to 30 Hz), and Gamma waves (30 to 100 Hz).

8. Nikola Tesla 3-6-9 Frequencies
There is a popular claim that Nikola Tesla believed in the significance of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, and that these numbers were related to a “universal energy” or “vibrational frequency”.

According to this theory, Tesla believed that by understanding the significance of these numbers, we could unlock the secrets of the universe and achieve unlimited energy and potential.

333 Hz

333 Hz is associated with healing, balance, and harmony.

It is sometimes referred to as the “angel frequency” (more on angel frequencies below) and is thought to help connect individuals with spiritual and divine energies.

639 Hz

This frequency is often associated with relationships, connection, and communication.

It is thought to promote harmony in relationships, improve communication and understanding, and help individuals connect more deeply with themselves and others.

999 Hz

According to Tesla’s beliefs, 999 Hz is associated with spiritual awakening, divine connection, and transformation.

It is thought to help individuals connect with their inner wisdom, access higher states of consciousness, and facilitate personal growth and transformation.

9. Angel Frequencies
Angel frequencies refer to specific sound frequencies that some people believe are associated with angels or divine energies.

These frequencies are often used in sound healing and meditation practices and are believed to help individuals connect with spiritual energies and promote healing and balance in the mind, body, and spirit.

Some commonly referenced angel frequencies include 111 Hz, 222 Hz, 333 Hz, and 444 Hz.

111 Hz

This frequency is associated with spiritual awakening, new beginnings, and clarity of vision.

222 Hz

This frequency is associated with balance, harmony, and peace.

333 Hz

This frequency is believed to be associated with the energy of the ascended masters, and is associated with guidance and spiritual growth.

444 Hz

This frequency is associated with the angelic realm and is believed to help individuals connect with the energies of the angels and receive divine guidance.

10. Planet Frequencies
Planet frequencies refer to specific sound frequencies that are associated with various planets of our solar system.

These frequencies are based on the idea that each planet emits a unique vibrational frequency that can be harnessed for healing and spiritual purposes.

126.22 Hz (Earth)

This frequency is associated with the planet Earth and is believed to promote grounding, stability, and a connection to the natural world.

210.42 Hz (Moon)

The Moon is associated with emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind.

141.27 Hz (Mercury)

The vibrational sound of the planet Mercury is believed to promote mental clarity, communication, and focus.

144.72 Hz (Mars)

Mars promotes courage, motivation, and energy.

221.23 Hz (Venus)

Venus and is believed to promote love, harmony, and balance.

183.58 Hz (Jupiter)

This frequency is linked to the planet Jupiter and helps to promote abundance, growth, and expansion.

147.85 Hz (Saturn)

Saturn helps to boost discipline, responsibility, and structure.

207.36 Hz (Uranus)

Uranus is often associated with innovation, change, intuition, and awakening.

211.44 Hz (Neptune)

Neptune is believed to promote creativity, intuition, and inspiration.

140.25 Hz (Pluto)

Although Pluto isn’t considered a planet by modern science, this frequency still may help to promote transformation, change, and spiritual growth.

11. Other Healing Frequencies
936 Hz

The 936Hz frequency is also often associated with healing and spiritual growth.

It is not a part of the traditional solfeggio frequencies but has gained attention among the proponents of sound healing and alternative therapies.

This frequency is often referred to as the “Third Eye Chakra frequency” and is believed to stimulate and activate the third eye, which is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness.

12. Sacred Frequencies
The concept of “sacred frequencies” refers to specific frequencies that are believed to have special significance or healing properties in various spiritual and metaphysical traditions.

Some of the most commonly mentioned sacred frequencies include:

432 Hz

This frequency is often referred to as the “432 Hz tuning” or the “432 Hz frequency.” It is believed by some to be more in tune with natural vibrations and the universe, and it’s often associated with promoting relaxation and healing.

528 Hz

Known as the “Love Frequency,” 528 Hz is thought to resonate with the frequency of nature, promoting healing, transformation, and an increased sense of harmony. It’s often used in sound healing practices.

639 Hz

This frequency is associated with communication, understanding, and harmonious relationships. It’s often used in practices aimed at improving interpersonal connections and resolving conflicts.

741 Hz

Considered the “Solfeggio Frequency of Intuition,” 741 Hz is believed to promote self-expression, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

852 Hz

Often referred to as the “Third Eye Frequency,” 852 Hz is thought to stimulate intuition and enhance spiritual awareness.

Are sacred frequencies the same as solfeggio frequencies?

13. Sacred frequencies and solfeggio frequencies are often used interchangeably to refer to the same set of specific frequencies that have special spiritual or healing properties.

Solfeggio frequencies concept originated from a medieval musical scale and were later associated with metaphysical and spiritual attributes, while the sacred frequencies concept has been influenced by different cultures and historical periods.

Benefits of the Solfeggio Chakra Frequencies
396hz - The Root Chakra
The root chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with survival, safety and security. Someone with a blocked root chakra would typically be fearful or anxious.

Listening to the 396hz solfeggio frequency will help to stimulate the part of the subconscious brain that is associated with this blockage and help to unearth negative belief systems and feelings residing deep in the subconscious mind. When your root chakra is unblocked you should feel secure, connected to your body and grounded.

417hz - The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is located below the naval and relates to sexuality, creativity, intimacy and pleasure. If you feel sexual repression, lack of creativity, intimacy issues or you're someone who emotionally isolates yourself, then you’d be someone who needs to work on their sacral chakra.

Listening to the solfeggio frequency of 417hz will help to elicit more openness, creativity and sensuality. As a result you’ll experience more pleasure and harmony.

528hz - The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus is located below the chest and above the naval. It is the centre of self-esteem, confidence and personal identity. Anyone who is struggling to live authentically, has control issues, manipulative tendencies or low self-esteem would be said to have a blocked solar plexus chakra.

To work on this frequency you should listen to 528hz. When you’ve opened your solar plexus, you should feel positive about life, open and honest to others and yourself.

639hz - The Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest. It is associated with love, forgiveness and compassion. If you’re someone who is distrustful, unable to receive love or has difficulty maintaining relationships, then you should stimulate your heart chakra.

Listening to the solfeggio frequency, 639hz will help to restore balance. Once you’ve unblocked the heart chakra you will find that you are more open to receiving love, you give love more easily and effortlessly connect with others.

741hz - The Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is located at the centre of the neck and is your expression centre. If you’re someone who is shy, has difficulty expressing themselves or is arrogant, then you’re showing signs of a blocked throat chakra.

Listen to the solfeggio frequency 741hz to achieve balance. Once you’ve opened your throat chakra you’ll speak your truth, express yourself clearly and listen to your intuition.

852hz - The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows. It’s connected to intuitive ability, consciousness and wisdom. Signs of a blocked third eye chakra are lack of direction, confusion and doubt.

When you listen to the solfeggio frequency 852hz you will work toward becoming more intuitive, open and imaginative. You will only be ready to work on your third eye chakra when the first 5 chakras have been unblocked.

963hz - The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is the final chakra and is located above the head. If you are someone who has a blocked crown chakra then you are cynical, close minded or have not worked through your first 6 chakras.

The crown chakra represents a higher state of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. Opening this chakra takes a lot of spiritual and mental awareness. Those who have opened their crown chakra will feel bliss and transcendence.

You may notice slight discrepancies between the healing effects of various frequencies appearing under different categories. Note that the perceived benefits of individual frequencies are often based on personal experiences and beliefs and that typically explains the differences in perceived benefits.

Who Uses Healing Frequencies?
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the use of healing frequencies.

Many people are exploring different forms of alternative and complementary therapies to support their health and wellness, and healing frequencies are gaining popularity.

Thus, first of all, the healing frequencies and sounds also used by people seeking to promote their own health and well-being through self-care sound therapy practices.

Who Is Using Healing Frequencies Professionally?
But what about professional use?

Healing frequencies are used by a variety of professional practitioners, including sound healers, meditation coaches, yoga instructors, massage therapists, energy healers, and other alternative healthcare practitioners.

Aside from that, there is a growing audience of creators who make relaxation and meditation videos that incorporate healing frequencies and sounds.

Related: How to make money on YouTube with meditation videos

Looking for healing frequency sounds to use in professional or business projects?

Amplify The Effect Of Healing Frequencies With Music
Relaxing music has been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and promoting relaxation.

Related: Why spa music feels so relaxing (according to science)

When healing frequencies are combined with music, the effects can be even more powerful.

Furthermore, music can also be used to create a more enjoyable and engaging experience for patients during their sound therapy sessions.

This, in turn, can help to improve adherence to the therapy and make the overall experience more pleasant and rewarding.

Using healing frequencies with music can enhance the therapeutic effects of both modalities and provide a more holistic and comprehensive approach to sound therapy and vibrational healing.

Please note that the use of healing frequencies should be approached with a critical eye and used in conjunction with proven medical treatments under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.

There is no one “best” frequency for healing as different frequencies can have different effects on the body and mind. It really depends on your goals. Some frequencies that are associated with healing (emotional or physical) are 174 Hz, 258Hz, 333Hz, 528Hz, and 639 Hz.

Please note that while many people find these frequencies helpful, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional in addition to using the alternative healing methods. Hope this helps!

I think there are more frequencies that you did not cover: there is a Moon frequency, Suddha Svaras tones, Carnatic tones, Chromatic Chinese scale to name a few.

Thank you for the suggestion. We will definitely research these healing frequencies and will add them to the list.

Where does this list of so called chakra frequencies come from? There a ton of different systems that can be found on the internet, all linking different frequencies to chakra.

Excellent question! The exact source of chakra frequencies is not a precise or universally agreed-upon, as it is primarily rooted in spiritual and metaphysical traditions. In short, chakra frequencies are determined through a combination of ancient texts, subjective experiences, symbolism, and intuition of individual practitioners and gurus. In our post we’ve listed the most commonly used frequency values for all the chakra sounds but your personal experience may vary. Hope this helps!

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