ONE MINUTE AFTER YOU DIE. Where Are You Going Eternal Soul?

1 year ago

One of the most important little books you could read in your lifetime other than the King James Bible. Wherever you are at in your life, in your thinking, Christian or Not. I strongly recommend all watchers of this channel consider purchasing this book it is also available cheaper still on Amazon Kindle E books. This life is temporary for the richest man and the poorest and everyone in between. Make an conscious informed Decision/Choice on your way to your eternal destination. Please give some consideration to this subject as it really is the only thing that matters in this Short/Long life. Heaven and a return to a perfect earth with Christ as King is NOT A GIVEN for an individual being. Hades/Hell/The Lake of Fire however is our default destination if we don't repent as the kingdom of God is literally at hand. I wish you well in this warning, and hopefully with your due consideration/diligence.

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