Liking Posts

1 year ago

Liking posts. It’s a contribution of exposure. By liking posts the person
likes that there are people willing to expose evil. They may or may not
necessarily agree with the content or everything inside the content. It’s
the fact they have respect for someone who is willing to go the extra
mile to expose evil and defend the people of God on a high spiritual
level. It takes a non-fearful mentality to expose evil. For exposing evil is
not for the lighthearted. Numberdamus Three Six Nine is not on a oneman team in the battle of Good of Evil. For all of you are part of his
team. We will fight together in this battle of Good vs Evil. In another
generation another Michael will come along to check on those of that
Generation. Ultimately God for who is Christ comes again to put an end
to it all. Christ is the one who is above us all. Who will win this battle no
matter what.

87-6= 81-Books in Scripture.

8384 to #’s +711 characters *165 Words= 125699.
Matthew 1:25. Jesus 5 letters Christ 6 letters.
Left Hand at 9 passed on 9th hour

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