1 year ago


it is obvious, despite the contrived videos from 'home or office' that "Dr." Lee Merrit is a transgender who had a sex change operation while in (paid for by) the US Navy but denies this fact, and therefore is what YHVH calls an ABOMINATION. No good ever comes from evil. Watch the interview with Judy Mitkovits (another liar for pushing the viral delusion of The Enemy) taken at a conference they attended and you will observe that Lee Merritt towers over Mitkovits with easily a 6' height, a broad-shouldered frame, big-boned masculine arms, large hands, an ADAMS APPLE, absolutely male gestures, speech and body language and ask yourself why he/it stages all their videos from a distance, with a wig, and always in a black turtleneck). THIS IS MAN WHO HAD A SEX CHANGE OPERATION PAID FOR BY THE UNITED STATES NAVY.

(Added from the comment thread 24Dec2023) Yes, the Adam's Apple he has is very prominent, and of course his voice is deep due to being a man. Also his frame is the masculine proportion with shoulders 3 widths of his head: a woman's frame is 2-1/2 size of head shoulder-to-shoulder. (This same observation applies to Michael Robinson AKA 'Michelle Obama'). Anyone who has studied art as well as anatomy and physiology knows this is true (I have studied both in depth).
I noticed that Mr. Merritt added a lie to his personal webpage saying he (pretending to be a female of course, as plain to see) "competed in bodybuilding" which is a blatant attempt to control his transsexual narrative and shape a false reality of being a 'muscular female'. There is no muscle mass indicative of being a bodybuilder evident to see in this candid unstaged video. Just a male body masquerading as a woman, like we see in all the sports and world now.
Viewers, please feel free to engage others in this dialogue. No good comes from evil, and biological male Lee Merritt is a tool to normalize transgenderism.

I have spoken of this in other video comments many times in the last two years, and also with in-real-life friends, as well as an acquaintance who is a 'Bi' woman married to a 'Gay' retired Marine who immediately said when I showed her one of Lee Merritt's first videos, cried out "THAT'S A MAN WITH A SEX CHANGE!" I myself had to fight entrained cognitive dissonanceas the lens of my awareness sharpened to the clarity required in these dark days.

I do not take satisfaction at having to point out what I must here. Humanity is now fully in the Days of Noah as prophecied, and many people are in denial and decieved, especially those who are full of nanotechnology, parasites (archons), heavy metals, molds, yeasts, toxins, GMOs (themselves being genetically modified by their diet) and the use of S.M.A.R.T. devices and LEDs in their environments, uploading their souls to the SOUL TRAP of BIODIGITAL CONVERGENCE.
My personal experience over the years knowing transsexuals in real life. I have since age 12 in Baltimore (my mother's hairdresser whose name was Steven then Stephanie) where JHH led the world in pioneering this Satanic practice, and the days of Noah are here now - we are in them.
I have also known - closely! - many 'Nordic' women and although some were larger than eastern or western women, they still did not demonstrate and project this very obviously male persona and image which rings as MAN to all the human senses - including what most are divorced from: the SIXTH.
I know for a fact - also firsthand - that the United States Navy and other military branches pay for these surgeries, hormone chemical castrations: I can name two who were my acquantances in the last decade: who had it done on the taxpayers' tab: one Navy, a "Marcie" in HI, and one Army, named "Tess" (Timothy at birth and when still in the military as a doctor) in MO. I knew MANY personally when I lived in my hometown of Baltimore up until my early 50's, as I was "in the art scene" and friends with John Waters, who bought things to set dress his movies from me. I was personal friends with DIVINE, as a matter of fact: he/she had a store next to mine back when I was in a shop in Fells Point.
I was married for a very short time (<2yrs) to a Washington DC whose first wife left him because of his crossdressing, which he tried to hide from me but could not, and the only reason he still hasn't taken the surgical-ot-of-the-closet route is he is afraid he will lose his career.
Watching this candid video one observes the masculine voice, demeanor, body language and also the repartee of pheromonic energy between the two of them. Ask why every video Lee Merritt - androgynous first name another clue - makes is so heavily costumed and staged, down to the camera angles and body posture to try to look "petite", always hiding the Adam's Apple.
Lastly, the controllers who control culture in this petrie dish we live in have crafted many kinds of SHAME into people for questioning the demonic activities in the world around them as they lay the soul traps readying for the End Times, and set up the Great Tribulation environment AS PROPHECIED. Even the very elect are deceived. But Jesus wasn't, and in these last days a Believer doing the Great Commission shouldn't be either. We must be MYTHBUSTERS, and we must call out iniquity when we see it. The souls of others are depending on our willingness to shine this most seriously bright of light: TRUTH.

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