Rareeddie1 talks Podcast Episode #9

1 year ago

Episode #9, Raggedy Ann doll, Little Mermaid Trouble, the Mothman, director losing it and the dirty/naughty conspiracy.

In tonight's fun-filled Episode, We will explore the origins and true Life Encounters of the Haunted Raggedy Ann Doll. Next we will discuss the live-action remake of Little Mermaid which featured a race-swapped lead that did not perform well at the box office. I will be exploring the Mothman a cryptid in Point Pleasant and sharing some spooky encounters with it. We will then Delve into the topic of Director X who seems to be losing his mind accusing fans of review bombing his show and labeling them as racists, While the real issue is most likely the poor quality of his production. Lastly, we will explore some fun dirty and naughty conspiracy theories

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