NIMH Ep #705 Mayor Tiffany Henyard Corruption of a small village of 20,000 people

10 months ago

NIMH Ep #705
Mayor Tiffany Henyard Corruption of a small village of 20,000 people

Thank to #pinkbooklessons

Unparalleled Corruption In Illinois Continues

Dolton, Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard Has Now Signed A Check For $561,000 To Repave Her Mom’s Home Driveway With Tax Payer Money. She’s Also Removed All Other City Members From Being Able To Sign For Spending Except For Herself

“Just for the record, um, and the reason, I guess, uh, I want all of the citizens to know why we’re so adamant about this budget and what’s going on. May 12, 2021, a resolution was passed. The following persons are hereby authorized to be added as signatures for all city accounts, mayor Tiffany Hanyard, village clerk, Allison Key. Any prior signatures or individuals visuals authorized and hereby removed from the accounts prior authorization is revoked. Number of signatures required are a combination of both signatures.

At the approval of payment by the village board, each check Shelby signed by the mayor and the clerk. We have a half $1,000,000 check signed by mayor Tiffany Hanger. Yeah. I wonder why we worried about the money. This is why we worried about the money.

$561,000 check with 1 signature on there. It’s a problem. That mean that money is being spent. And after, we don’t find out till after the check’s been cashed. That’s why we up here complaining about it.

Shout out to trustee Belcher. Trustee Belcher is all about transparency, all about accountability, and she is Simply doing her job as a trustee. No 1 person is supposed to have the power to write checks in a public office for over a half $1,000,000. Nobody is supposed to have that much power, which is why 2 signatures are required. And this is what you call checks and balances.


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