Episode 1680: Happy Liturgical New Year - It's a fresh start so make it count

9 months ago

So we start a new liturgical year in the church today on the first day of advent. You constantly hear me referring to the liturgical calendar and so this is an excellent time for you to buy your traditional catholic calendar and follow along during the 2024 calendar year

So I will keep this episode short and sweet since you have 4 weeks to get yourself ready for the birth of Christ.

Think about it. Christ will come in 3 different times and 3 different ways
1. The first he represents the flesh
2. The second he represents the spirit (after the resurrection)
3. The third and final he represents the judgement.

In the first he is a lamb and in the last he is a lion.

So what do we do starting today? Well we recognize that we get one shot at this life and so make it count starting right now. Forget about yesterday as if it never happened because it doesn’t really matter does it. Nope! You need to focus on what you will do right now.
You heard me describe in St John of the crosses first book of the ascent of mt Carmel the “Self-Knowledge” process
We must all go through on our spiritual journey and that is an excellent place to start during lent.
If inpatient
If proud
If judgmental
If too sensual
If too anxious
If too material
If too selfish
If too much time watching Tv
If too much time on social media
If too uncharitable
If you marriage is non spiritual
If your family life is non spiritual
If you have a bad habit smoking and eating or gossiping
Then step back and pray, meditate, and go quiet
None of these are too late to stop
As St. Theresa said “Start with your predominate sins first”
After the 4 weeks of advent are over you just created a habit
After that you take it right into lent season and do it again
Pick a book to read instead of a movie series
Say a rosary or devotion instead of constantly checking your social media post
As a matter of fact stop posting and look at social media and even the news for that matter
Get all the distractions out of your life during lent so you can truly focus on your spiritual life. Trust me it will all be there at the end of Advent and if not oh well
Fill your day with prayer and mediation and the sacraments when possible
Get in front of the holy eucharist by getting to bed earlier so you can wake up early.
During the advent season put Christ and the blessed mother first and give them you first and best fruits.
Then as you are going through lent go out and inspire others and who knows you may convert them. Good day.

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