RBC! : “Social Justice Fallacies” by Thomas Sowell

1 year ago

Do minimum wage laws help low skilled workers? Are inequalities proof of injustice?
Where does true consequential knowledge lie in society?
Thomas Sowell writes on these and many other topics in his latest book!

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Today’s Charity Focus:


O.U.R. is a group founded in 2013 that helps coordinate with law enforcement to rescue children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. They’ve rescued thousands of children across 26 US states and 28 countries across the globe. If you want to learn more about Operation Underground Railroad:

(818) 850 6146


All information in this video is for entertainment purposes only. This video and the information in this video is not in any way substitution for the books featured nor is Michael Hernandez affiliated with the authors or charities featured in this video.

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