Newborn baby elephant struggles to walk with wobbly legs

1 year ago

The video shows an adorable newborn baby elephant still learning how to walk, stumbling around on its wobbly legs under the watchful eye of its mother.
Baby elephants are adorable and most likely the most entertaining baby animals to watch while on an African safari. To see the largest land mammal on earth in baby form is just priceless. Newborn baby elephants are born into this world after a twenty-two-month gestation period. During their first week, newborn elephants must learn to walk. It is a time where baby elephants develop the muscles in their weak legs. This takes a lot of practice over and over, with a lot of falling and stumbling around while trying to walk with their wobbly legs. During a safari in the Kruger National Park, we found a herd of elephants and in the herd, there was this newborn calf shown in the video. It was the most adorable thing to watch, seeing how the baby elephant was swaying, looking off balance and falling over every now and again. The mother elephant was nearby her calf all the way and every time her baby would stumble and fall over, the caring mother elephant was there to help her baby back onto its feet. The baby elephant looked only a couple of days old, and it looked like the adorable baby still needed a few days to practice and exercise before it was going to be stable on its new legs. Definitely one of the cutest sightings in the wild we have seen in a long time.

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