Greg Locke Loses Biblical Cosmology debate and Kicks Dean Odle out of his church!

10 months ago

If you wish to bypass the Praise and worship music with psychedelic mind control graphics at the beginning of the video and move straight into the Debate content fast forward to the 39:40 minute mark.

Proverbs 18:13 "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him"

Pray for Pastor Greg Locke! He needs to be humbled. After losing the debate Greg Kicks out Pastor Dean Odle and other Flat Earthers / Biblical Cosmologists out of his Church. There are even reports that he called the Police to evict them from his church grounds after they left his Circus Tent Church.

Greg Cut the livestream and deleted the debate video from his YouTube and Facebook channels. I had major issues trying to download and save this video and my editing software crashed 6 times, so I have uploaded it complete, unedited which is why there is 40 minutes of worship music in the beginning. Please like and share with others who haven't had a chance to see this.

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