Who Is The Deep-State?

10 months ago

Do not think for one minute the deep-state rule the world, they are just the political infrastructure, a political mafia. The rulers of this world are the 13 bloodline families, the most powerful being the Orsini, Farnese, and Colonna. At the top there is also the Jesuits, the Khazarian Mafia (Zionists aka false jews aka synagogue of satan, and the Black Nobility, with the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300 below them. It's all satanic, we live in a matrix on a slave planet, a human farm where the children are fed as food to the Reptilians, and the Grays. It's all satanic, and the Roman Catholic Church for many many years have deliberately been destroying Christianity. They use Islam as the whipping boy, a religion lead by radicals that are also zionists, controlled opposition. This is why so many ISIS "terrorists" have been exposed as zionist jews (FALSE jews) who follow the Talmud, Rabbinic Judaism, parasites.

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