Worship the God who is beyond what I can fathom

1 year ago

You have limitations. You have 24 hours a day. You have a finite amount of energy. You exist in a particular time and space.

Part of being human is being limited.

What if we saw certain limitations actually as a gift in our lives? To help lead us into freedom?

What if every yes we give to something means we are saying no to thousands of other things we could be doing? Should we not then be intentional with what we say yes to?

I can’t do everything. None of us can.

In a spiritual sense, recognizing the depth of our limitations points me to worship the God who is beyond what I can fathom, the One who is kind beyond compare.

It points me to reflect on Jesus, though fully God, took on the limitations of being fully human. He not only is our Savior but the model for how to live. He is good, kind, so trustworthy, and worthy of all glory and praise.

As such, I want to do that he tells me, trusting he knows what is best for me. The best “yes” I can give is to Jesus’s lordship.

*from a message a few months back at the church I pastor at (@newcitynash ) on becoming who you’re made to be. You can find it in the link in my bio.

What limitations do you have that you have found it helpful to embrace?

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