Unfolded - Sheridan Animation 3rd Year Film - 2022

1 year ago

In a house nestled in the maple woods of rural Japan, lives a little girl with a wonderful talent for folding paper cranes. However, her single mother isn't able to nurture her playful spirit and the two have become distant. After breaking the treasured teacup on her father's altar while playing with her newest crane, the girl's relationship with her mother takes a turn for the worst and she runs away into the woods.
CREATED BY Majestea Studios
Camille Ann Ongjoco (PM)
Rin Cogill (PM)
Isaiah Dunk
Shelby Hotson
Kashuss Belmar
Magali Combret
Andrew Ren
Melanie Tsoi
Jungwoo Choi
Jason Kou

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