The first Flat Earth debate ever between 2pastors Dean Odle VS Greg Locke - Trinity is the same lie

1 year ago

This is the professional top audio/video original stream from "Pastor Greg locke" that has now officially been deleted by "Pastor Greg Locke" and this is by most certainty the only original livestream out there that we have uploaded by the leading of G-d though the true Messiah human Jesus.

BREAKING - The first Biblical Flat earth debate ever between two pastors live from 2023-12-02 and is the first and only upload on Rumble.

Trinity is the same easy to spot lie ans sun-worship as the religion of CGI-Baal. Dont fall for satans religion of sunworship.

The first Flat Earth(Biblical Plane Earth) Biblical debate even between two pastors Pastor Dean Odle (Fire Grace Church) VS Pastor Greg Locke (Global Vision Bible Church).

Pride is involved and the reason for that is a spiritual cause, that is, if you are not following the true Messiah human Jesus according to the Bible and are misled throuygh the lies of satan (not only the cosmology) but also the core doctrine for the churches that are the unbiblical pagan doctrine of the Trinity that is a false doctrine of satan that was cerated by the Rome/Catholic church 325 to 451 and that forwarded by the controlled opposition through Luther/Protestantism 1517 to your today local church.

The chruches are following a false "jesus" through the unbiblical pagan doctrine of the Trinity that is built on the platonic hellenistic gnostic teahing of the unbiblical "Logos" that both of Constantins sunworshipping Churchianity and "jehovas witnesses" are teaching and sharing one and exact the same false gnostic "jesus" that the Bible do not teach but opposite exposes it through 13.000verses and simple context.

The true Messiah human Jesus are not God and did not exist before his birth just as much as Moses existed before his birth as they are agents(Shaliah) in the one true G-d our Father plan that is for 7000year/7days and that we now are in the end of the sixth day for awaiting the last day(1000year reign) with Messiah Jesus.

The Trinitarian/Logos Churchianity/Churches, New Age, NASA(Helios-centrism/Apollo/Sol/Flying obelisks) are one and the same religion of satan sunworship that he is using to deceive the whole world with. The Bible do not teach Jesus as God ore preexistent, as this 2 Pastors and 99% of the sun-temples (churches) teaches though the occult unbiblical Trinity.

The original stream has now officially been deleted by "Pastor Greg Locke" and this is by most certainty the only original livestream out there that we have uploaded to our channel by the leading of G-d though the true Messiah human Jesus.

The trinity is the one and exact easy to spot and expose lie of satan and as great deceiving as satans false cosmology of a religious nihilistic eternal darkness of "snake-holes". It would be ignorant not to understand that if satan deceives the whole world with a sunworship cosmology than also he deceives though other large lies and in this case make man follow a false unbiblical "jesus" that were constructed 300years after Messiah Jesus and that the Trinity is the worship of the suns three phases and the "sun" as God(see the official logo of the trinity and the occult Triquetra of "666"). It s the same sunworship which the only scripture in the world who condems this sunworship is the Bible.

Regarding "Book of Enoch" it is the "Harry Potter" of the Bible and it is 100% Theological unbiblical as it teaches an superangel that are in charge of salvation as "jesus" named "Pan-uel"(satan) and this specific occult unbiblical litterature is not Quoted in Jude as "Enoch" is a character and even if his prophesy were quoted it is, not the "Book of Enoch" that are late 20th century product, synonymous with the "Dead sea scrolls" that you only have to look at the name of the Museum it was developed in on how this were"found". Even if a Book of Enoch was quoted it doesn't mean its legitimate as many outside "books" are quoted for example by Paul.

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