A Rat Hugs a Cherry Tree

1 year ago

A Rat Hugs a Cherry Tree
The Secret Kindergarten Radio Show for Young Children Ep. 26

This episode, number 26, is guided by the Three of Pentacles. What if there was no resistance to freedom in doing what you want? What if your goal was the same as others and you worked together, as a team, with little resistance?

Objectivity in teamwork? How simple! Play and play lots! Cause and effect! Something goes wrong? Oh! Something went wrong. That is not good. Wrong-doing stands out naturally like a sore thumb. Adults don’t feel empowered to allow this natural order to take hold because of fear, because of their own trauma. I know because I did it as a teacher. Once, there were three boys kicking a girl when she was down. Why? Because I had been allowing them do what they thought was right! The girl was becoming a nightmare person, she was terrorising the room: punching; snatching; scratching; bullying. And they had told her to stop, and she attacked them! I was terrified of this incident! I told the boys to stop. I will never forget the look of confusion on their faces. Their faces were the definition of confusion. Put their faces under “confusion” in the darned dictionary! But I was terrified!! Terrified of the parents, the community, the world. Who would allow someone’s little princess be subjected to such “violence”? Princesses aren’t violent themselves, no! They are innocent, beautiful and occasionally spicy! This is just one example where I chickened out of my Natural responsibilities! It’s an example of our adult conditioning to be afraid of doing and supporting what is right. In this case the right thing is understood to be the wrong thing. Firstly, the golden rule is to do no harm. Furthermore the laws of Nature, in this case, the principle of cause and effect, has been deleted. We just had a gang of thugs beating an innocent princess. No cause, just ill-effect.

The best way today to reverse the death of nature is simply to spend time in play with young children and allow the right things to happen. Easier said than done, but it won’t take much if there is more than a handful of adults out there doing so. That’s what charges me to do this work. I see so much power and capability in the people I meet. I know you have it in you to stick up for what is right!

The Secret Kindergarten Radio Show for Young Children is live every Saturday 2.00pm-3.00pm Eastern Time on Revolution Radio (Studio A): https://www.revolution.radio/

You can find us also on all main podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcast, iHeart, etc.) and on Substack, YouTube, Rumble and Bitchute.

by Nancy Stewart from https://nancymusic.com/
Pretty Baby You’re Surrounded by Love
Fly Little Bird
In Our Community
The Flower Song
The Gift
Let’s Go to The Market

“I’ll Fly Away” by Holizna4KidsMusic
From freemusicarchive.org
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

“We Need A Plan” by Komiku
(CC0 1.0 Universal)

“Jungle Stream” by Kirk Osamayo
From freemusicarchive.org
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

“Cheer up!” by Keys of Moon | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
from https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/

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