Alex Calls Out Antonin Scalia for Gun Ban Statement - TheAlexJonesChannel - 2012

1 year ago

Published on Jul 30, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

"Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who is often characterized as the most "conservative" member of the Court, said on Sunday the Second Amendment allows government to regulate firearms.

"It will have to be decided in future cases," Scalia said on Fox News Sunday. He claimed there are legal precedents from the days of the Founding Fathers that outlaw "frightening weapons" that must be recognized.

Scalia was vague, but said that although the Second Amendment specifies the right to own firearms, during the time of the founders there were "some limitations on the nature of arms that could be borne." In response to a question about limiting so-called assault rifles and large ammunition magazines, he said it "will have to be decided" if the government will outlaw them.

Scalia's remarks arrive as the government gears up an intense propaganda campaign to reimpose the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.!/RealAlexJones
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