Secret Science of Synchronicity: Symmetry, Isomorphs, and the Implicate Order (Patron Only Promo)

1 year ago

(This video was oriuginally released as Patron Only. Once every year I make a Patron Only video public for promo. There are 2 more parts to this series on deck thatwill be realeased only to Patrons.)

Based on an article written by Robert Anton Wilson in the 1980's for Gnosis magazine titled "Synchronicity, Isomorphs, andf the Implicate Order, this video unearths and brings into the light some of the deepest secrets of the great Mysteries of consciousness and the Universe. Drawing on the ideasand experience's of imminent physicist David Bohm, psychologists Carl Gustav Jung (origfinator of synchronicity theory), Frued, James Joyce, and many others, this video is full of incredibly powerful information that you will not find anywhere else.

From higher orders of symmetry to Pythagorean concepts of isomorphic resonance, the concepts in this video offer solid scientific explanations of synchronicity, precognition, and even the Mandela effect. Profound and entertaining, the full length video version is also exclusive; only IllumiGnati cognoscenti get the full 30 minute piece.

We are demonetized , so if you like the music or the message, you can Zelle or Paypal to Blueckers@gmail.comOR send crypto to 0xAD3741bB9F83B1b81F4b06f1fe834EbBFe694521 or Cash App: $illumignostic

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