Massie Stands Alone, Again

1 year ago

A consequential measure came to the floor in our halls of "public service" and not a single person voted 'Nay' on the measure than the true rhinoceros himself, Rep Thomas Massie.

Oh no, gang! Here comes the backlash. Imagine a topic so hyperbolic and off the rails that nearly everyone seems to unanimously agree that absolutely anything goes all the sudden.

Principles, beliefs, facts suddenly take a backseat to feelings. Loud noises! Don't talk about it! Watch out!

I honestly don't care what people call Rep Massie, but he is one of VERY few that actually hold to their principles and stay true.

Go look into it for yourself and try to remember that things are always framed to seem moral and just, when they are in fact disguised in morality to usher in even more control. But I guess not this time, right?

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