Ukrainian idioms in Cyrillic, along with their English translations

1 year ago

Ukrainian idioms in Cyrillic, along with their English translations: 1. Бити байдики - Literally "to beat the dawdles"; means to be lazy or to idle. 2. Водити за ніс- Literally "to lead by the nose"; means to deceive or mislead someone. 3. Говорити на ламаному англійському - Literally "to speak in broken English"; means to speak English poorly. 4. Дати дуба - Literally "to give an oak"; means to fail or to die. 5. Засукати рукави - Literally "to roll up the sleeves"; means to prepare for hard work. 6. Коту під хвіст- Literally "under the cat's tail"; means it's useless or wasted effort. 7. Лізти на стінку - Literally "to climb the wall"; means to be very annoyed or irritated. 8. Мовчати як риба - Literally "silent as a fish"; means to be completely silent. 9. Не в своїй тарілці - Literally "not in one's plate"; means to feel out of place. 10. Обіцяти золоті гори - Literally "to promise golden mountains"; means to make grandiose promises. 11. Пекти пироги - Literally "to bake pies"; often used in the context of meddling in others' affairs. 12. Робити з мухи слона - Literally "to make an elephant out of a fly"; means to exaggerate things. 13. Спати як убитий - Literally "to sleep like murdered"; means to sleep very deeply. 14. Тримати кулаки - Literally "to hold one's fists"; means to wish someone luck. 15. Улити вуха - Literally "to pour into the ears"; means to flatter or deceive with words. 16. Ходити кругом як кіт навколо каші - Literally "to walk around like a cat around porridge"; means to beat around the bush. 17. Червоніти як рак - Literally "to blush like a crayfish"; means to become very embarrassed. 18. Шукати чорну кішку в темній кімнаті - Literally "to search for a black cat in a dark room"; means to attempt something very difficult or impossible. 19. Як дві краплі води - Literally "like two drops of water"; means very similar or identical. 20. Злити воду - Literally "to pour out the water"; means to give up, surrender. 21. Між двох вогнів - Literally "between two fires"; means to be caught between two problems. 22. Витягувати каштани з вогню- Literally "to pull chestnuts out of the fire"; means to solve someone else's problems. 23. Горілка не вода- Literally "vodka is not water"; means recognizing the danger or strength of something. 24. Дати карт-бланш - Literally "to give a carte blanche"; means to give complete freedom to act. 25. За двома зайцями поганяти - Literally "to chase two hares"; means to try to do two things at once, usually unsuccessfully. 26. Кинути рукавичку - Literally "to throw the gauntlet"; means to challenge someone. 27. Ловити рибу в каламутній воді - Literally"to catch fish in muddy water"; means to take advantage of a chaotic situation. 28. Останній китайський попередження - Literally "the last Chinese warning"; means a final warning. 29. Пекло на землі - Literally "hell on earth"; means a very bad or chaotic situation. 30. Розмовляти зі стіною - Literally "to talk to the wall"; means to try Global Robotics Corporation Please like, comment, share and subscribe

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