More Than I Could Be - Kenichi Tribute AMV

1 year ago

[Originally Uploaded to YouTube on Thanksgiving Day, 2022]

#Kenichi #DannyGokey #MoreThanICouldBe

This isn't necessarily a Thanksgiving video, but uploading this on Thanksgiving Day was totally intentional. Some may even say on the nose, but there's method to this madness. ;D

I've been fortunate to have several teachers or mentors in my life that I grew to consider friends, and even family. And when I heard the song 'More Than I Could Be' by Danny Gokey, this quickly became one of my favorite 'CD-only music tracks' for the album, 'Haven't See It Yet'. There are two reasons for this:

1. Besides the Grace and Unending Love and support that can only come from the Heavenly Father, I feel that this song can apply to those teachers, mentor figures, and family members whose teachings and wisdom played a positive role in making you the person you are today. We each have talents and abilities that allow us to do great things, big or small. But with the right teachers and support from loved ones, you have the potential to reach even greater heights than you ever thought that you could reach by your own power. How could you not be thankful after that? Maybe someday, you can be the mentor role in that someone needs in their life, and help bring their best self up to the surface.

2. The second reason why I love 'More Than I Could Be', and the obvious focus of this AMV, is just how much this song suits Kenichi Shirahama, and the themes throughout History's Strongest Disciple. The right friends and teachers can see potential within yourself that you are unable to see on your own. As important as inspiration can be, without honing it towards results, inspiration can be fleeting. Kenichi's teachers, saw the potential within Kenichi in spite of his faults; and while Kenichi may have wanted to quit at times, the Masters of Ryozanpaku dojo never quit on him. There methods were unorthodox, blunt even, but in the end - not only did they help bring Kenichi's best self to the surface, he went on to bring out the best in others. Kenichi may not have felt it in the heat of training or battle, but I'm confident that when all was said and done, he was thankful for meeting Miu Furinjii and the Masters of Ryozanpaku Dojo, and role that they played in making him the man he turned out to be by the end of the series.

So those are my thoughts behind the making of this AMV. I hope you enjoy, and be sure to share what you thought in the comments. I'd love to hear them. Happy Thanksgiving.

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