22LR Ruger LCP II - Minuteman Review

1 year ago

22LR Ruger LCP II - Minuteman Review

Possibly the smallest 10 round 22LR semi-auto pistol available…the LCP II.Excellent deep concealment pocket pistol. Certainly the most adorable with its tiny, tilting barrel.

Fun and very easy to shoot fast

Many people report great reliability out of the box, it took a Galloway Precision Spring kit to get mine working well.

Accidental magazine disengagements are a problem. Stiffer mag release spring helps a bit. The Alabama pocket holster with protection of the mag button is the solution. Problem would be best solved with a P17 like paddle mag release.

Magazine safety disconnect is stupid, but is easily removed when installing the Galloway Precision Spring kit or stiffer mag release spring. Neither is an easy task, but if you lack the focus and attention to detail required, maybe CCW is not for you either.

The LCP thrives on CCI Mini-Mag. Federal punch, due to slightly longer case, has the occasional issue.

Gloves routinely get caught in trigger. Only a problem when you’re trying to change hands or holster.

Until KelTec releases an LCP sized, 10 round version of the P17, the Ruger 22LR LCP II is my favorite deep concealment pistol.

Viridian e-series laser helps with the short sight radius.

See AmbGun’s multi-episode LCP series...

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