i can't not make "art" that spits in the face of society

1 year ago

listen to that sound, that's terrible
i work at a restaurant so i am thinking ahead
ag is the absolute worst at kissing ass
not official either
this is a really big napkin, holy shit
working in the service industry has taught me so much
"covid" smoking weed w/ asians...CLASSIC ag opposition
i tend to look down on that sumin that most people are into
i forced myself to date awhile back
trying to fit in n knowing the futility of that
people like us aren't supposed to fit in
"crazy" just means lifestyle opposition
artistic abilities are heightened if you are already not going along w/ the world, psycho divergent!
i disapprove of their lifestyle as well so...
mentally ill people know this better than anyone cos we're the dregs of society
i don't have a choice, i have to make stuff
these institutions made me think that sumin was horribly wrong w/ me
it was always apparent that i stuck out like a sore thumb
unconventional people don't do conventional things
we already have soooo many kids that are growing up in the dark
society ain't ever ready for ag's heavy-handed criticism
i rationalize my choices too
raising a family is a major sacrifice
people are different. and also the same
i don't shame you for driving a mini van

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