1 year ago

In my small city of 115,000 they have put up 103 towers within 3 miles of my house, according to the web-sites that tracks this criminality. Yet all these towers haven't improved my cell-phone reception one bit. Fortunately, or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it, my yard has so much tree coverage that the house can't be seen from above - which interferes with my phone reception. Maybe that's why they came to my house unrequested/uninvited and installed a L.E.D. yard light with a 5G antenna on top of it ? I'm not really sure, they refused to answer questions while installing it, however the antenna didn't make any difference with my phone reception. What I do know, on Christmas morning (2022) when the 5G antenna was shot (an attempt to disable it) me and my dog were assaulted by some kind of frequency, the assault was loud and piercing, more of a vibration than anything else. This attack/assault started the exact second the antenna was hit. Shaking my head trying to get rid of the sound and looking down, I noticed my dog spinning in tight circles at my feet also shaking his head...

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