The Suspicious Umbrella Man

1 year ago

The case of the Umbrella Man

The amount of suspicious activities going on that day is almost too much to break down in one thread but one such case needs to be analyzed. A man was standing outside on a bright sunny day with an umbrella open for seemingly no inexplicable reason. What possible reason could he have for standing there like this? He looks shady down to his core. But what makes it worse is that the first shot was fired when the motorcade passed directly by that big open umbrella. What timing! Was he sending a signal or marker to the shooter? Nothing about this makes any sense. But then it gets worse: When a sitting President of the United States of America is assassinated before his eyes, the Umbrella man calmly closes his umbrella, sits down next to what looks like another agent, and shows absolutely zero emotion whatsoever. I’m sorry but this is just not a normal reaction to watching someone be murdered right in front of their face. I don’t believe this for a second. This is akin to having 200 federal agents embedded within the January 6th crowd egging on “an insurrection.” They have been doing these kinds of sinister ops for far longer than people realize and it’s ironic that JFK wanted to remove the clandestine operations from the CIA and was eventually killed by that exact thing.

After 15 years, the supposed Umbrella man, testified in front of the House Select Committee on Assassinations telling them that he “had no idea that there were conspiracies about him for all of those years.” Right…. Am I really supposed to believe that? But the excuse he gave us is that he was protesting JFK by using the umbrella as some kind of message. The more I look at him, the more he looks like some kind of asset to me. Imagine you have a prevailing conspiracy theory about you for over a decade in one of the most pivotal moments in American history and you have absolutely no idea about it. No, I don’t believe you.

The committee used photographic enhancement techniques to enhance the pictures enough to recognize who this man really was. So he did not come forward out of the kindness of his heart.

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