Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Worship Service - December 3, 2023

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Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY December 3, 2023

Order of Worship

Theme: The disciple of Jesus Christ is not only to eagerly look for the second Advent of Jesus Christ, he is to work to hasten the coming of that great day. 

Welcome & Call to Worship
“O Come O Come Emmanuel” #245
“It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” #251
Prayer & Children’s Lesson
“Good Christian Men Rejoice” #273
“Go Tell it on the Mountain” #258
Offering - “Angels from the Realms of Glory” #259
Communion - Unison prayer see bulletin insert    
Congregational Prayer
Hearing God’s Word
“Don’t Drink the Koolaid”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“Away in a Manger” #261
Benediction and Postlude

“Don’t Drink the Koolaid”
34th In our series the Epistle of 2nd Peter

I. Jesus Warns us about powerful deceptions - Matthew 24:4
* A. We avoid deception by knowing and living in obedience to the Word of God
* B. Looking forward to these things is the means of avoiding the mass end times deception - 2 Peter 3:14
* 1. The “things” Peter has already referred to in verses 7-13  
* a. The Seven year Tribulation
* b. The Rapture of the church
* c. The 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ
* d. The Millennial reign of Jesus Christ
* e. The Great White Throne Judgment 
* f. The New Heavens and New Earth 
* 2. Avoid being  a slacker - Matthew 25:1-13
* a. Five virgins were well prepared
* b. Five were unprepared

II. How are we to be prepared for the Day of the Lord - 2 Peter 3:14
* A. By looking for His coming when we will be found by Him - Matthew 24:45-51 
* B. Be Found in Peace - Romans 12:18-21
* 1. We make peace everywhere possible
* 2. We fulfill the Peacemaker’s Pledge
* C. Be Found Spotless - Psalm 139:23-24
* 1. We ask for God’s searchlight
* 2. We confess and receive cleansing - 1 John 1:9
* D. Be Found Blameless - 1 Timothy 3:2, 7
* 1. We seek to have a reputation of Christlike character and behavior in the world
* 2. Glorify God in everything - 1 Peter 4:14-17

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