Christmas is a Heathen Pagan Holiday – Not Christian – by Pastor James Wickstrom

1 year ago

Christian Pastor James Wickstrom explains how Christmas is a Pagan Holiday that was relabeled by the Roman Catholic Church to be a Christian Holiday. No where in the Bible does it say to celebrate Christmas. It is not even the right time of year if we were celebrating the birthday of Jesus.

December 24th is the birthday of Tamuz - the son of the Sun God! Thamuz - Son of Nimrod - the creator of Babylon.

The celebration of Christmas until 1836 it was an occult pagan holiday, as it is until today, but not according to the "B"evangelists.

The Roman Catholic Church adopted this Ancient Pagan Winter Festival of the SUN GOD and renamed it Christmas. The word Christmas came from the Roman Catholic Church. Then they said that Christmas was to be to honor the Son of God – so they changed the word to son God. It was a DELIBERATE LIE and that’s what we must realize.

Christmas has nothing to do with Christ to these global elite pagans as it was their families who inverted their pagan holiday to make it appear that it was a celebration of the birth of Christ. It is their so called “Christ.”

The scriptures do not give the exact date of Jesus’ birth. Jesus was born in the Autumn of the year. Either late September or early October as the conception was said to be in January if going by our calendar today. Jesus was Libra, which is why he was said to be the Judge. Coming from astrology.

Should we be calling ourselves Christians or Israelite's?

Should we be celebrating December 24th or Christmas?

Pastor Wickstrom says that we shouldn’t even have that tree in the house as it is heathen and pagan.

According to “Historians”, how did December 25th come to be recognized as the birthday of Jesus?

The festivals of Rome, known as the Roman Catholic Church have 5 festivals they deem as being very important: 1. Christmas Day, 2. Lady Day, 3. Easter, 4. the Nativity of St. John, and 5. The Feast of the Assumption. Each and all of these can be proved to be from Babylon.

Within the Christian Church, no such festivals such as Christmas was ever heard of until the 3rd Century. It wasn’t until the 4th century that it gained much observance.

How did the Roman Catholic Church fix on December 25th as Christmas Day?

Long before the Christian Era itself, a festival was celebrated by the Heathen and that precious time of year, in honor of the sun of Babylion Queen of Heaven – this same festival was adopted the Roman Catholic Church, giving it the name of Christ.

Christmas was beyond doubt a celebrated Pagan festival.

In Egypt, the son of Isis, the Egyptian title for the Queen of Heaven was born at this very time of the Winter Solstice. Source: From the two Babylons by Alexander Hyslop, P. 93.

1911 Edition of the Roman Catholic Church Encyclopedia – “Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church, the first evidence of the feast (Christmas) is from Egypt.”

Pastor James Wickstrom – “there is no such thing as a Holy, Godly Christian Festival for Christmas, it is Pagan, it is Heathen and it is insidious.”

It is a Jewish Baal Birthday.

It is another Jewish scheme to get people to buy the Jewish Merchandise and to go into DEBT.

The Winter Solstice is a Pagan and Heathen festival celebrated as the turning point of the year. It is considered the beginning of the renewed life and activity of the powers of nature and gods who were merely the symbolic personification of these.

At the Winter Solstice, the Norsemen held their great Yule-Feast in the commemoration of the fiery wheel in the sky, the sun wheel and believed that during the 12 nights from December 25 to January 6th they could trace the personal movements and interferences of their Great Deities and Gods like Berchta, etc.

These old beliefs and usages of the Germans and Romans were passed over from Heathenism to Christianity. Source: The Chambers Encyclopedia – 1970, P. 538 of the Article titled “Christmas.”

Christmas is heathen, pagan and it is Anti-God.

Each year, the PAGANS held a festival on December 25th to celebrate and honour the SUN GOD.

Centuries after the Saviors birth in Bethlehem, this same festival celebrating the Sun God was adopted by the Roman Catholic Church given the name Christmas and since has been celebrated as the birthday of the Son of God.

The Roman Catholic Church knows this festival which has been celebrated for THOUSANDS of years is a Pagan – Heathen Festival celebrating the SUN God and not the Son of God.

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