10 months ago


Leandro Monteiro

Born in Taubaté, on November 7, 1983, (and still resident in the city) he had contact with Literature since childhood. He had contact with works by poets from different times and places, with Fernando Pessoa, Carlos Drummond, Castro Alves, Tomás Antônio Gonzaga prevailing in reading as aesthetic and artistic foundations within the poetics created by the author. He has a degree in Literature (Portuguese / English) and a postgraduate degree in Literature. In 2017, he graduated in Psychology. The book “Ninho de Borboletas” was her first work translated (into English), followed by the translation (also into English) of “Versejando com Olga” and “Eu Fizio Porque Quizio” (in Spanish and English), 2020. In 2021, being a member of the Group of Writers of Taubaté, he edited, formatted and participated in the First Anthology of the Group of Writers (published by the Writers da Alma publishing house). In addition to these works, the author makes available, through his own page on the RECANTO DAS LETRAS website, booklets (in Portuguese, Spanish, English and Italian) and pdf books for free download.
Since 2020, he has participated in literary groups and online soirees with writers from all corners of Brazil: Sarau Corujão da Poesia (based in Rio de Janeiro), Sarau das Ratas di Versos (also based in Rio de Janeiro) and Sarau do Invencionática (Made from Rio Grande do Sul). In addition, since the second half of 2020, he has been producing and disseminating his own poems and other national and international poems through the MUNDO DA POESIA channel, in which the texts are shown in the form of video poems.
Finally, from 2017-2021, he was in the chair of Literature, Reading, Library and Books of the Taubaté Municipal Council of Culture, in which he has contributed to the evaluation and approval of public notices (together with the Taubaté secretariat) to help with expenses and assistance for artists from different areas of art in the city, as well as helping to structure increasingly democratic norms and rules within the council.

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(Text of self-authored poems in different languages.)

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(To read and watch other videos and poems):



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