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How Would YOU Heal the Impoverished Essence of MONEY?
If Money was a sad dejected creature…what would be your instinct? Would you nurture it?
I present it as an abused essence, that we can redirect: QFS or not…redirect our energy into it, reinterpret its energy like everything else in our world…
Jus like any healing: we can give it some time for it to adjust up to our vibration of love for it.
I am describing “resonant healing of money”.
-Because, we are energy, we are energy, we are energy: we can change things!
Let’s say we transform the etheric body of money - upwards!
How much influence Do we have?
(Apologies for the sound disturbance- the internet was a little thin on the ground.)
I begin by skirting over the tradition of money we currently live in: the sinking of the Titanic, the federal reserve, relative value,
silver and gold….
4.00 Freedom to choose
7.15 calling my Greater Self- a good way to get accurate information
12.00 Government control of our money
14.56 value of money- how much do we each get paid?
21.35 If I am sick I can use a medicine- or I can use my consciousness to change my energy- same with money….
25.00 Money all about movement and flow. money we use now all comes form utter corruption. so we have to find ways to shift it.
26.26 Reminding About Earth/Amma speaking of re-polarising the AI network. Same as water can be programmed. Sound can be used in specific frequencies to instantly heal…
28.20 We too can radiate out into the systems and influence them.
29.20 Say we want gold and silver-backed currency- a fairly good way of suing thins. nice resonance with these metals.
30.08 These metals you instantly have an upward conversion of a vibration in currency
30.50 I ask for more specific details in converting the frequency of money vibrationally upward;
31.17 “It’s about taking something which is impoverished and broken- in pain essentially…
If you were to give the money on our planet, a character, you would see that it is like a limp Puppy dog, being thrown around, being overbred Changed from its nature, genetically manipulated it must only go where it is told to go. It exists, very much so, but it Has ultimate masters, which tell it what it must eat, Where it must be, How it must operate. That is a very sad entity. If you were to see it as this puppy dog: put it in your hands, what would you do with such a dejected creature? What would a beating warm heart wish to do with a sad dejected creature? What would you want to do with an injured bird, a lost puppy? what would be your instinct cock? You would nurture it, would you not? You would give it water, give it shelter, give it warmth, find out what food it could take in. – Caress it, soothe it, clean it. Enable it to move as it needs to, relax.
So this little puppy dog, we are calling money– let’s say it’s a bit “Bitey “, let’s say it nips your fingers, let’s say, when you touch it, it gives you a little bit of an electric shock. but you see it and you see what a state it is in. and that it needs nourishing, it needs healing. what would you do? Even if it is a little bit bitey, a little bit zingy– would you just say “, go and fend for yourself, sort yourself out close “. I don’t think so!
You would keep a little bit of a distance, wouldn’t you say okay, I’ll put you in a cardboard box– I don’t want to get electric shocks from a metal cage. I am going to look after you, I am going to put some squishy stuff around you, give you what you need. Give you some time to adjust up to my vibration of love for you.
“Adjust up to my vibration of love for you “– that’s the secret in every healing isn’t it?
Remember Jesus Christ – great guy! What did he do? he said, “hey! I see you, you’re a spirit! you’re a piece of God, you are energy, because I can see you like that, I can see all you need is a decision, and you can be well again. I am going to give you permission to make that decision. yep, you are healed mate! Tadah , and get up and walk !“
– And how did that work? That beautiful being Had such clarity of knowing. Clarity of understanding that the direction of focused Will is the way to shift energy. Just like a circuit board in a computer: it’s not just blah! The electricity doesn’t just go everywhere, it is carefully directed isn’t it. If you look at a motherboard of a computer, if you have ever played with circuitry, electronic circuitry, you see that there are paths for it to move. If you look at the teeny-weeny little silicon chips under a microscope – infinite well, not quite, but many many pathways for it to go. Jesus Christ knew “hello this is what you are.: Spirit, a piece of God, I see that, I know that, I know that with a decision of your Will you can shift anything. I am saying that, can you feel that in me can you see that in me? That I am a piece of God? That I am with God, that I am closely of it and nothing else, but it? yes? Great! Then we have agreement. hyphen, you’re healed “
That’s what it is: resonance. You move up to. The resonance if you choose to. That is what healing is: if I go in to someone’s body, to heal something, what do I do? I speak to their mind, to their spirit, whichever Part of their essence, I’m talking to and I say “look at this, look at this wondrous system in you, look at these incredible cells and what they do! The way they function the way they are working together! Let’s love them, let’s support them. Can we divert some energy? Can we allow some of the constricting thoughts to just move aside for a moment and allows some more source energy, some more pure, infinite ( let’s call it, electrical energy, just for now) energy to get into your body, so that those cells can do what they do better, with more power, with more energy with more efficacy. You can heal your body that way. That’s what I do. I don’t “do something “, it’s an invitation, it’s an appreciation show, it’s a, “let’s just have a look at all the clever stuff you can do: you can do this this and this isn’t that amazing? amazing! Wow! “
“Good idea! let’s do it! “
That’s what happens in a healing situation.
Let’s do it with AI, and the computer networks, and the 5G crap, (That doesn’t sound nice )- and the 5G nonsense. Let’s do it with all the electromagnetic frequencies bombarding. us, let’s do it with the stuff they’re raining down upon us from the sky, let’s do it with the stuff they’re putting into peoples bodies, let’s override it, let’s upgrade it, and let’s shift it. Because, we are energy, we are energy we are energy! we can change things, and we are going to do it with money.
Now imagine this: if we shift our perception of money, every time we deal with money, it is a– it is not a corporeal entity, but it is an entity but it is an aesthetic entity – if we put our perception into money, that entity. It’s like saying, hey money. You are a useful thing, you are an exchange thing, you are an enabling thing You are this fluid we have created to Enable this to happen with this transaction And this person to do this, even though they are far far away, so that they don’t have to carry a big pile of heavy gold From A to B. You are a great idea, you are an idea! let’s look after you, let’s help you feel better, let’s get rid of these people who have used you to hurt others, you don’t need to associate with them.
Let’s say we transform the Arik body of money upwards. What are you going to do with the people who believe that they created it, that they manipulated it that they hold the control system, that they hold it. Are they the same frequency? If you take money from here ( lowdown), to here (moving hands upwards), the people who created money are there ( hands showing very lowdown) what happens? You know this if you are with people, lovely people, icky people brackets love showing lovely people on one side, icky people on the other side) if you are with people, lovely people, icky, people and you are lovely – what is going to happen? The lovely people, hang around you, the icky people stubbed their toes and move away. it is just what happens, isn’t it? We can teach ourselves this over and over again.– Every kind of situation you want to do, you can see it with your beloveds, when they’re not feeling well…(there was an Internet connection interruption, so I restart the flow of this)
So, do you think we can do something now? This is an aesthetic thing, this is a thought thing: to take money, to raise it up, because the low frequency beings that created it, if we take it past them, they won’t have any access to it. ( big grin).
We will elevate its status, and there’s low frequency being that created it, – just a little bit above them Are the governmental, “let’s steal from everyone “ part, all that soggy mess… Let’s take it beyond.
I think that was the essence of the QFS: elevated to a high frequency, leaving all the dross below and it will not have access. You can’t have access if you’re not the right frequency new? Vibrational frequency, resonance: if you don’t resonate with it, you can’t get hold of it
So maybe the way of doing this is that we will turn it into gold silver and representations of golden silver. Maybe That will be something higher. Maybe money will be spirit, because there are Societies within the universe that do not use money– so they are just using awareness of generosity Between people. It’s like “oh, you’ve done that, how beautiful, thank you “ And then they will go and do something for someone else, with an awareness of this network of enmeshed Operations that we exist in. -A kind of a matrix, yes, just a high-level organic matrix. Think of the neurons in your mind, they are not a little rigid. Square channels. hyphen that is a computer. We are amazing, organic, incredibly complex little wiring of nerve endings, insane! If you ever see the pictures of the neural network light through the universe, it looks just like a brain: the thing that Corey Goode used to talk about, moving from one place at the universe to the other– they are nerve endings and it is organic, it is a structure.
So there is always some kind of a matrix system, think of your body: you’ve got a thumb with a zillion,( I don’t know how many cells there are in there-there are many more than 1 million cells making up a thumb), all the different kinds of things ( properties) you’ve got nails, you’ve got tendons, you’ve got bones, you’ve got all kinds of stuff going on in there systems, interactions working with each other– there is nothing, square about that. There is a whole lot of wonderful. irregularity, however, it sticks together, it is part of a system. it is a kind of a matrix, it is a kind of a structure, of course.
Oh, let’s take money up: I come on my spirit, I come on my spirit, I command my spirit to receive a method for me in my world, and for you and your world to take this phenomena, this idea of money and elevated vibrationally. I am going to make some sound now :
(I make a sandwich as a very clear, lower note, and an overtone explaining how that’s the current essence vibrational of the money, and the overtone is where we’re taking it and when you sing those kind of notes, you are empowering your mental construct with the shift from a lower to a higher frequency Your singing both frequencies at the same time)
“ now that as an idea has now been plonked, into the field, it was plonked into the field by a lot of people talking about QFS, talking about how we will be able to detect vibrationally The integrity behind someone making a transaction– do you remember all this conversations? Charlie Ward Talked about that a couple of years ago now. (and Michelle Fielding talking about this, although I don’t know about her stuff I feel that it is somewhat AI invaded) a lot of people were talking about this vibration or capacity of measurement in the system: whether or not, it’s technological existence, or whether we’re talking about spiritual residence fields of attraction, if the entire system of world money moves up and there are still people down there (pointing down), they will not have access to it.
So this separation, the Ascension timeline separation Animated Consciousness, and The opposite– this divergence, means that these people ( showing one hand above, and one hand below again), are not going to be chatting with these people: octaves, high octaves.
One more question: Prime Creator, Prime Creation, how can this manifest – this high essence, level of money. – Yes, silver, gold, yes– how else could this manifest? okay, gifts, receiving yes lovely stop are there any other ways that this higher existence level frequency money that we are creating imagining, bringing to life causing– will reveal themselves, will express themselves.
Yes, generosity of spirit from random strangers- (there are no random strangers are there?– Again, it’s residence. You meet that person, because something within you met at that moment, so you met that person, you thought of that person, because their thought on your thought, whoop! match. it’s all resonance.
If someone you don’t know, gives you something. it’s because it is a resonance meeting point. if you find a £50 note on the floor – and I like to use that example, because it’s hilarious and it happened to me, and and not the usual thing do, it is resonance! there is something in you “I know I received money “tadah! If I know, there’s a really good place to leave my cat, and then she and I feel into each other, “is she a really good place to leave my cat? or do I not what do I think of her voice? Does it feel good? what do I think of the recommendation from my neighbour, does that feel good? yes, yes, yes– resonance. Nice, doesn’t seem to cost very much – resonance.
Some people might charge a lot of money to some people. Some people might charge a small amount to some people. And that might be the same person charging. Why would they charge a big amount of that person and a little amount to that one? because, something in their heart wants to allow that person to have it, and this one, they are not so sure they deserve it. resonance!
I explain how this works with the painting of my friend and wanting to give her more money because of resonance. You could call it generosity, but that means you’re going to be battling against something. It is resonant flow.
People call it, remember the Abraham Hicks thing “the path of least resistance “remember the electrons Move through an electrical circuit through lack of resistance resistance. They move when the resistance is removed. When the zero is changed to the one, it hops over – that’s how it jumps. That’s how the Piezo Piero and energetic exchange happens in our crystals that we use for our clocks and our machines and so on. It is this, or that. The change means that the energy moves to the next place, it is like a whole lot of dominoes– that is how energy moves this is the new thing.
It is not new, it is how it happens. However, when you start to see it, to think of it to measure it and deal like that, what it means is, you have just opened the door to another universe of ability and potential.
So instead of saying to yourself “I have £250 in the bank and I have £1000 bill to pay “(-I’ve just made that up) “ I can possibly do that, I only have a quarter!”
– That is a kind of logical, analytical, linear framework But, what about resonance?
“ okay, so I have £250 here and I need another 750, I wonder where it is going to come from? Maybe they will reduce that thousand back down to 500, and I just have to find another 250. Maybe I can use some energy to sort it out so that I don’t need to get actual money. there are infinite ways of it happening.– Being a possibility, it may be that it is not even necessary anymore.– Suddenly there is an offer on there. Anything! but if you believe, “I have 250, but it’s 1000! I will never get it! Give up! go, go home! “, You’ve lost it before you even began.
So, like everything, it is perception. So we could just try it, try it out – it is a fun little tool :
My mind, my spirit, my alignment to infinite source creation– whenever I now feel and think about money, I am going to allow that quality of self, that quality of energy: the purity of love, creativity, to spread into, to influence, to resonate all my money transactions.
I am going to allow what I am to influence that.
And this thing of how much influence do we have, is the biggest fattest Secret that has been hidden.
And again, and again, with these little investigations– what was the last one? Prayer. When we pray for our loved ones, dies it do anything? Oh yes it does. Yes it does.
We have influence. We have influence in our imaginable fields.
– Remember the one about water? You breathe in water from the atmosphere. You breathe it out. If you are a being of elevated consciousness, that Water has changed its structure by the time it is left your mouth. It came in your nostrils, went in through your sinuses, down through your respiratory track. Into your lungs through your trachea., Did its thing, it’s oxygen exchange, came out with a little more carbon dioxide and a little less oxygen. And the water vapour went out again, some of it got absorbed along the way– shifted, because the frequency shifts water.
We know that. We know that with water. we are starting to feel it with meditation. and prayer. There are places you can measure it. David Wilcock likes to talk about it because he likes the idea of getting a whole lot of people together to meditate. I am a little dubious about that because a whole lot of people can have all kinds of vibration. and actually, sometimes the average of that is lower than have five people do something extraordinary, then have 500,000 people in wiggly change places. The some total of that might not be as much as those five people with high frequency. So, en masse, I have divided experience about that. But, there are measurements of things changing situations, changing because of meditation. Michael Jaco talks about influencing through thought: the power of influence to send in what he calls love energy. Of course. it is! The energy of source, creator into a situation soothing it, calming it. You know if you go arrgh to an animal it will go arrgh! If you go ahh, oh, and you breathe softly you’ve got the animal, – the birdie is sitting on your hand. Same with a child.. If you are just open and soft, a strange child who has never met you before, like I had yesterday, will come to you. ( I explain how this little boy came up to me and gave me a present.) he brought this plate of food for me specially selected from his kitchen, I said not one word to this child, but he could feel that I loved him – resonance.
We must start to understand that we have been hoodwinked into believing that the only control we have is to go and arrest someone and put them in prison. But we have control of influence of every respect of our lives: vibrational, frequency interactions.
And we are going to use it every time we think about money – even if you feel a bit fearful, connect. If you are watching this, you know about love, God, Prime Creator, great spirit, whatever you want to call it source; you know it. You have the experience of it. Use it. say, “I want to brackets, even if you don’t know how to yet,(even if you don’t feel you can yet, say,) my intention is, to take my thought about money into that zone, into that frequency, into that vibration, and then you influenced the entire network of money. And we, little tiny group of us, we shift it up.
You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.
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