April 18, 2011 🎺 Shout His Name... Put all your Trust in the Holy One

1 year ago

Text & Audio... https://awakeningforreality.com/setzt-all-euer-vertrauen-in-den-heiligen-put-all-your-trust-in-the-holy-one-trumpetcallofgod-online/
EBook... https://awakeningforreality.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Ebook-Trumpet-Call-of-God-Version-2021-10.pdf
Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist Trumpet Call of God... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtgpDObQGYXYIo7HBgwnrGu
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Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Trumpet Call of God in various Languages... https://awakeningforreality.com
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Source... Official Website in englisch... http://www.trumpetcallofgodonline.com

Put all your Trust in The Holy One!
Shout His Name

April 18, 2011 - From Timothy, Moved by The Spirit of God

The Lord God has spoken and speaks still, and shall come down with a shout. Therefore, cup your ears and listen, hear the word of The Lord Most High, and heed all of His Commandments. Seek out His presence, that you may abide under the shadow of His power, that you may dwell in His goodness, with thanksgiving… Pure worship in love…

The Presence of The Almighty is a consuming fire, a purifying flame. The cloud of The Almighty is a covering for all who put their trust in Him… The Sanctuary of His peace is in His Holy One, and none shall fear who abide in Him.

Though the terror of The Lord comes upon all nations, it shall not approach the penitent, nor shall the trembling of the humble continue without comfort…

For The Lord God has a Holy One, and in Him is the loving mercy of God revealed. In His bosom are healing tears and laughter, joy beyond compare, the fullness of love… Life without end.

Behold… The Lord has come down to look upon the rage of the nations, to behold the hearts of men.

The Mighty One has come down to gather His own, to take from among them the penitent, the humble of heart… Those who do justly and have loved mercy, whose eyes long to look upon their King…

Those whose hands reach out for His healing touch, whose fingers know His wounds, whose lips have tasted of the divine gift… Drinking from His cup, always.

Therefore, take pleasure in all His words, whether soft or hard, for He is a great King and His mercy has no end. His love is complete, His fullness is life without end… His power and truth, absolute… His knowledge surpasses time and space, His wisdom is older than the stars. Put all your trust in The Holy One, therefore! There is no other!… It is time! SHOUT HIS NAME!

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