Rabbi ALON ANAVA about World Ecomonic Forum so SPOT on

1 year ago

Benjamin https://weforum.org/people/benjamin-netanyahu/…… Mahmoud https://weforum.org/people/mahmoud-abbas/…… Najib https://weforum.org/people/najib-mikati/……… Javad https://weforum.org/people/javad-zarif/…… Hassan https://weforum.org/people/hassan-rouhani/………… Naftali https://weforum.org/people/naftali-bennett/…… Yair https://weforum.org/people/yair-lapid/…… Ehud https://weforum.org/people/ehud-barak/ CHECK U SELF it right there even the PEDOFILE SCUMBAG = https://www.weforum.org/people/kevin-spacey/
also this http://govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-105/pdf/STATUTE-105-Pg44.pdf……… in 1991 signed by George Bush = resolution 104, public law 102-14 = 7 Noahide Laws and u shoud look more into Noahide Laws and just to say United nations advertise for 7 Noahide Laws atm ^^ http://talmudunmasked.com also United Nations = https://web.archive.org/web/20220823102504/https://www.un.org/ecosoc/sites/www.un.org.ecosoc/files/files/en/2016doc/list-oral-statment-institute-of-noahide-code.pdf = desværre https://stopnoahidelaw.blogspot.com/2020/09/see-table-of-contents-here-please-note.html
hvad er det ?
hvad vil LOGE brødrene med dette ?
hvem / hvad bestemmer hvad man er ?
1 People 1 World lyder bare så LOGE agtigt og New World Order https://noahide.org/

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