Bad driving leads to one big cluster truck

7 years ago

This is crazy dashcam footage as I approached an intersection in Berlin CT. I witness this red light runner as I get closer to it. Perhaps minor but what happens next is funny. I had all intentions of stopping before the white line. But there is a truck making a right turn. A wide right turn. I am sure he has a green arrow. If not green, a right turn on red is allowed here. I frequent this intersection. I did not think he could make it so I backed up a bit. And it looks like he needs the room. So I backed up a bit more and a bigger bit more to allow him to complete the turn. Yes, I am good like that. Courteous. Like all of us drivers should be. Lucky nobody was behind me. He makes the complete turn. So now it seems everyone wants to get a piece of this and make it through the intersection. Check out the truck slipping his way under the light while I have the green. And then the bonus red light runner behind him! Perhaps I should have waited a bit longer for him to complete the turn before proceeding.

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