I support Elon Musk's fight against censorship.

1 year ago

I am but a fraction of a moment between the heartbeat of a fruit fly. My time here on earth is being a single dad of 3 with full custody. In the sea of my fellow humans, I realize my voice is drowned out in the racing static of the ants... nevertheless, I support @elonmusk I have been highly critical of some of his moves. Some i 100 disagree with. But this fight against #censorship and the oppression of speech is intolerable. @elonmusk's is a modern hero. One who stands for what he believes in despite an endless, unfathomable onslaught because he does just that. He doesn't waiver on the simple concept of free speech. The machine organizes as a hive to attack any who step out of line. #Elonmusk is the last digital bastion of the internet. The war for are minds are at stake. Not long ago, the netizens who attack him once spoke out against the very corps who they now blindly support because they simply don't like #Musk But he is providing ALL the data for ALL of us to decide. Not have choices made for us. To think.... of a chorus of outrage to suppress another opinion full of so much rage that this very notion that it is a destructive zero-sum game is lost.... Silence @elonmusk Silence @x Silence all who don't take the marching orders..... What will be left? A diversity quota of an echo chamber... The marching hammers of @pinkfloyd's The Wall, Marching workers of metropolis? Whispers behind the TV of 1984??? How can we not scream from the rooftops in support of @elonmusk's epic FUCK YOU! But alas the fight goes on.... #Assange withers, @Snowden exiled, proxie wars stirred, @aaronsw pushing daisys, money printed, party leaders electing "leaders" not the citizenry... The draw towards fatalism is more overwhelming than Vader faced. I lost all my kids once. I lost everything. I got them back. We are still poor. But we are better. I have no dept. I have zero credit. I own a house and car. My own maker space. A wood shop and more. I didn't give up.
Despite my small fruit fly voice in the storm, my integrity, my honor and morals demand I support @elonmusk to tell those advertisers to fuck off also. To be a part of the forging ahead. The bigger picture of what is at stake is crystal clear. Here is my video of me canceling @Walmart +. They REALLY make it difficult to do so, btw. But I persisted and got through to a man in India @walmarthelp outsourced there chat to.

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