modern poet in a digital clout materialist age, anti intellectualism media n views on outliers

11 months ago

tl;dr: to cut to the chase, the non-self-destructive and non-inebriated "rebel" is a sort of problematic to the system type, because they ultimately seek self-sufficiency, self-honesty and a framework of attribute growth.

original title was lengthy, as:
"The modern poet in a digital "clout" materialist age, anti intellectualism media and thoughts on non-branded outliers. And energetic rock'n'roll"
I enjoy the thought of an archetype that is the "mad poet" yet "information seeker" and see very well how it is steered into turning the adventurer into a self-destructive or dependent mess.
Some freeform thoughts.
Noticing difference between here and YouTube, kek.
Have a good weekend

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