Sen. John Fetterman Calls For Bob Menendez To Be Expelled From Senate

1 year ago

There is a wonderful, underrated Harrison Ford movie called 'Regarding Henry.' Released in 1991, the movie tells the story of Henry Turner (Ford), a nasty, mean, unethical, and ruthless attorney who gets shot and severely injured during a robbery. Over the months that follow, we watch as Henry rehabilitates his body, mind, and relationships with his family during his recovery. He returns from his trauma perhaps less intelligent but, by far, a better person… who even gets his daughter a puppy she always wanted.

We bring this up because we're not sure what we're seeing from Senator John Fetterman recently, but some of it seems quite Henry-esque from the man who suffered a stroke not long before his election to the Senate. Now, we can't lie, at Twitchy we have questioned Fetterman's fitness to serve in the Senate ever since that stroke and the way his handlers hid everything about it from the public before the 2022 elections. Add to that some of the accommodations he needs to serve (not to mention his clothes) and he has been the subject of many Twitchy articles.

But, his politics aside (which we still don't agree with), something interesting has been happening with Fetterman recently. Primarily, unlike many of his Democrat colleagues in the House and Senate, he has come out strongly in support of Israel. He has put up pictures outside his office of all the Israeli hostages taken, mocked pro-Hamas protesters getting arrested for their horrible behavior, and attended the Stand with Israel rally with an Israel flag draped over his shoulders, which infuriated other Democrats (namely, the awful 'Squad'). Today, Fetterman went on The View and said something that -- truth be told-- left us pretty gobsmacked.

• More at: Twitchy - 'Regarding John': Senator Fetterman Calls For Bob Menendez To Be Expelled From Senate

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