"falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus" - week in review 2023-12-01

1 year ago

is it possible to be truthful in all things? or does the mere fact you hold a position betray you? does making any proposition in language implicate? where did your position come from? is language ever pure & unbiased? is your belief an original idea, or was it inherited from a sense of belonging to a group? is truth ever an expressible commodity? is every bit of information fallible due to its demand of being interpreted? distasteful but true information is oft reviled more than the lie. omission of the facts is heralded as virtuous by the self-proclaimed righteous. don't you dare divide into 'us' & 'them'! I, a lone seul, a pariah, always among the reviled 'them', in spite of what motives are ascribed. no, not even a polished mirror shows things as they are. silencio! non credo!
"Nothing is so like God as silence."
— Meister Eckhart

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