Dec. 1, 2023 PM / Tribute to John Stadtmiller and Robert A. Hudson

1 year ago

National Intel Report w Mike, Cal, DW and Sarge ~ Tribute to John Stadtmiller and Robert A. Hudson

This is a ‘simul-cast’ of the last National Intelligence Report of the Republic Broadcasting Network originally founded by John Stadtmiller. It’s a combination tribute to Mr. Stadtmiller and our dear friend Robert A. Hudson. Robert was instrumental in Sarge bringing Mike Gaddy on to his show in 2018 that has since become a weekly show every Thursday afternoon from 1-3 p.m. EST and the highlight of Sarge’s week! Join us in paying tribute to two Freedom Loving Americans from two different walks of life who shared the same zeal and yearning for Rightful Liberty. Both were taken from us too soon, but their legacy of Liberty will live on in the hearts of other Americans who shared their desire to see America Free again!

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