Jesus: Your Holy Servant

10 months ago

This video was made with Clipchamp

Good morning, here is today's prayer...

Dear Lord God,

Thank You for Your promises to me.
Thank You for opening Your arms and welcoming me to come to You for forgiveness, to find rest in You, to find freedom in You, to have abundant life in You.

I cry out to You now for those who are heavy on my heart, for those who are going through the fire and for those who are going through the valleys; for those who face difficulties and for those who have come through trials and are triumphant because of You.

I pray for Your grace and Your mercy, Your peace and Your love, Your hand of blessing upon their lives.

I pray for Your miracles in their lives.

I pray that all who are weary will cry out to You and will trust You...
Come to Me, all you who labor
and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

I thank You for all that You have done and all that You will do.
May Your works and miracles in my life be a witness to those around me that You are God and that You love each person.

May You be glorified and may others come to Jesus today through my witness.
In the holy name of Jesus I pray,


Jesus: Your Holy Servant

For truly against Your holy Servant Jesus,
whom You anointed,
both Herod and Pontius Pilate,
with the Gentiles and the people of Israel,
were gathered together.

Acts 4:27

Jesus is the Holy Servant, whom the Father has anointed. Jesus assumed the threefold office of prophet, priest and king. Just as an Old Testament prophet was anointed before ministering a word of the Lord, so the Father anointed Jesus to deliver the message of salvation to the world. Likewise, as a Temple priest was anointed to make an offering for sin, so the heavenly Father anointed Jesus to make an offering for the sins of the world. Just as a king was anointed to rule his kingdom, so the Father anointed Jesus to enter the hearts of believers and to rule their lives. Did you know that the title “Christ” comes from the Hebrew root that means “anointed”? So Jesus’ title is Christ, the anointed One.

Lord Jesus, You are my Prophet, Priest and King. Come with the message of salvation and sit upon the throne of my life to rule my thoughts and actions.

Jesus is the Holy Servant of the Father. The Father sent Jesus to do His will. He sent Jesus to live without sin among people. He sent Him to do mighty miracles and to demonstrate His love. He sent Jesus to die for all and to rise from the dead so that they might have life. Jesus was the Holy Servant of the Father for you.

Lord Jesus, just as You were the Holy Servant of the Father, so I want to be Your servant. Just as You were anointed by the Father to do Your work, I want Your anointing in my life. Come use me today.

Go Deeper: Acts 4:23-31
Jesus was the Servant of the Father.
Tomorrow...The Holy Spirit: The Spirit of Life

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