Meta Data Center Push Back/Commission Meeting/ASBESTOS/Expired AUAR

10 months ago

You Tube/Planning Commission Meeting 11/28/2023

Article by Tad Johnson

Opposition Letter by Kathy Pritchard
Notes by Karin Miller
Public Comment for the Rosemount Planning Commission 11/28/23
Rosemount Mayor, City Council Members, and Planning Commission Members, I am here tonight to STAND with the Residents of Rosemount in expressing serious concerns about the Jimnist LLC data center proposal.   
Water Impact* – Where are the vast amounts of water to run / cool the data center going to come from? How does the water demand of this Meta Data Center fit in with the already existent Waterton restrictions? Will this Data center result in water rationing for residents?
Energy Impact* – Where is the electricity to run the data center going to come from? Will Rosemount citizens’ suffer electrical outages to keep this Data Center going? How does building this massive data center fit into the 2040 carbon based energy ban? When we run out of electricity, what will be first to be cut: residents’ furnaces, or the Data center’s servers?
*We do understand from the proposal that you plan to put in a new water tower and substation. However, who is going to pay for these additions and will they be sufficient to meet the water and electrical demands?
EMF Impact – The human body is an antenna, sending and receiving information. How will the presence of a massive Data Center sending, receiving and storing VAST amounts of electrical data impact the EMF radiation on Rosemount residents living proximate to the proposed Data center? How will EMF Radiation impact pets, wildlife, plants/trees and environment?
Privacy Impact – Exactly what sort of data will be collected and harvested? How will it be used? How will the privacy of the residents be protected?
Youth Impact – Facebook is currently being sued by the Attorney Generals of 42 states, including in Minnesota by our own Attorney General Keith Ellison, for its manipulative and damaging social media impact on minors. Do we really want to host an organization that is having such a detrimental impact on the next generation?! 
Finally, I want to highlight concern about the SHROUD of SECRECY and lack of transparency that has covered this entire process and ask you: WHY!? Why has the name and nature of the company been kept from the public? Why have constituents’ questions not been answered? The Mayor and City Council members have continually deflected giving answers due to the non-disclosure agreement they committed to. Your duty and allegiance should be to the people who elected you, not to outside corporations. 
In closing I have a final question for you: Do you really know WHO you are doing business with?First of all, what level of U.S. government are you working with? Secondly, does this proposal involve any partnerships or collaboration with any foreign entities?Thirdly, how much do you know about Jimnist LLC? Their parent corporation is Meta / Facebook. Do you fully know who they represent? Who are their partners, affiliates, investors and board of directors? Do you know what their full purpose is for bringing this data center to Rosemount, Dakota County?  
No resident of Rosemount or Dakota County wants BIG Government or BIG Tech moving in as our neighborhood BIG BROTHER.  
After hearing these concerns, if you have any inkling of concern or doubt, or are lacking the information you need to adequately answer these questions – then you cannot in due diligence and good conscience approve this proposal. 
Without these answers, you have no way of knowing whether or not this data center will be a true asset to the Rosemount community – to the people, their health, their resources – or whether it will become the most damaging liability you ever signed your name to.  
Listen to the People. Hear their Concerns. Vote to represent them. Thank you!

Rosemount Planning Commissioners Question Expired AUAR on Proposed Meta Data Center SiteLetter to the Editor, By Karin Miller, 11/28/23
On Tuesday night, the Rosemount Planning Commission met to review a proposal from Jimnist LLC to build a data center on 280 acres of land in UMore Park. Jimnist LLC is owned by Meta. That any city would entertain allowing Meta to build a major data center while the State of Minnesota is simultaneously suing Meta / Facebook for their addictive, damaging impact on minors is baffling. 
Eighty citizens overflowed the council chambers and 17 people spoke in opposition to the data center. They raised concern about the secrecy with which this plan was developed and the swiftness with which it was being rammed through. The addressed the data center's impact on residents' water supply, electrical supply, their privacy, their health due to EMF impact, as well as environmental concerns about the land, since the site was an ammunitions dump after WWII. In the fall, citizens reported seeing trucks actively removing asbestos from the site, yet the Mayor and Commissioner members were completely unaware of it. 
During the meeting, it also came to the Commissioners' attention that the AUAR (Alternative Urban Areawide Review) plan on the land expired this past October. This is an evaluation and a plan that needs to be completed and approved every five years. So the Commissioners made their approval conditional upon verification of the validity of the current AUAR. 
At the end of the meeting, the Committee thanked the citizens in attendance for their comments, yet they still voted to approve the Jimnist LLC proposal despite the volume of citizens making it clear the data center is NOT something the community wants. While one Commissioner claimed "we heard your voices," their actions proved to the community that they were not really listening. 
The Rosemount City Council is set to vote on the Commissioners’ recommendation next Tuesday, December 5th. 

Citizens of Rosemount Petition on the Meta Data Center
We, the residents of Rosemount, in support with citizens throughout Dakota County, are firmly opposed to the potential of a Meta Data Center being built in Rosemount for the following major concerns: 
EMF Impact – The human body is an antenna, sending and receiving information. How will the presence of a massive Data Center impact the EMF radiation on Rosemount residents living proximate to the proposed Data center?
Energy Impact – Where is the electricity coming from? How does building this massive data center fit into Walz’ elimination of carbon based energy sources by 2040? Will Rosemount citizens’ suffer electrical outages to keep this Data Center going?
Water Impact – Where is the water coming from? How does the water demand of this Meta Data Center fit in with the already existent Waterton restrictions? Will this Data center result in water rationing for residents?
Local Infrastructure Impact – Who is financing this? Tax breaks to big business will only increase city costs which will result in an increased tax burden for residents. 
Privacy Impact – Exactly what sort of data will be collected and harvested? How will it be used? How will the privacy of the residents be protected?
Youth Impact – Attorney General Keith Ellison recently added Minnesota to a lawsuit against Facebook for its manipulative and detrimental impact on young people. We do not want our city involved in supporting or hosting this sort of harmful manipulation of the next generation. 
Community Impact – We like Rosemount the way it is -- a quaint small town with a close-knit community on the edge of the country. We do not want Big Tech to move in as our Big Brother, potentially surveil our lives, and destroy everything we love about our community….etc….
Rosemount Mayor, City Council Members, and Planning Commission Members, you have no right to give your approval to a Data Center in Rosemount until you have adequately researched and responded to these grave concerns. You must be able to adequately answer these concerns in order for you determine whether or not a Meta Data center will be a true asset to the Rosemount community – the people, their health, city resources, the land – or whether it will become the most damaging liability you ever signed your name to.  
Anything less than this is a failure of your duty as an elected Rosemount official. Your duty and allegiance is to the people, not to companies or corporations.  
We the people of Rosemount do NOT approve! We do not want Big Tech moving in as our Big Brother in Rosemount. We the People urge you to vote “NO” to the plans for a Meta / Facebook Data Center in Rosemount.

Castle Rock Township Special Meeting
December 4th, 2023
2537 240th Street West
Farmington, MN. 55024

City Council Meeting/Project Bigfoot
Come Early/6:30pm
Rosemount City Hall
2875 145th St W.
Rosemount,MN. 55068

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