WHY YOU NEED MUSHROOMS: Cordyceps, Chaga, Reishi, Maitake, Royal Sun Blazei, Mesima, Lions Mane, Etc

1 year ago

The exact mushroom product ( STAMETS 7 ) can be purchased here. I highly suggest not buying this on amazon https://www.iherb.com/pr/fungi-perfecti-stamets-7-extract-daily-immune-support-1-fl-oz-30-ml/50464

I make sure to drink and take my minerals daily. I also consume medicinal mushrooms daily. Many people talk about the health benefits of herbs and although they are remarkably healthy for us, some of the best naturally grown foods for human health are actually the mushrooms. I cannot stress this enough. There are various medicinal mushroom products on the market. I suggest that if you are serious about taking mushrooms long term, consider investing in a mushroom complex that contains more than 3 mushrooms. There are a ton of them on amazon, but as stated earlier, I would be very suspicious of the products on there. There are multiple scam companies that have fake reviews based on free giveout incentives for doing so. Shop with caution and always buy from a well respected company like iHerb.

Onnit has a good Mushroom formula called shroom tech immune. You can buy it here: https://onnit.sjv.io/c/3085130/348591/5155?prodsku=55&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.onnit.com%2Fshroomtech-immune%2F%3Fpid%3D55%26autosub%3D0&intsrc=PUI2_2271

Host defense makes a good one, and so does Mercola, Source Naturals, & California Gold Nutrition ( if you are on a budget ). These are all available on iHerb. My favs are Onnit and Source Naturals Mushroom Immune Defense.

Here is a link to the Source Naturals Product: https://www.iherb.com/pr/source-naturals-mushroom-immune-defense-16-mushroom-complex-60-tablets/1472

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