10-06-23 Live morgellon synthetic with slow movement and sudden RAPID retraction

1 year ago

These living organisms are growing inside all of our bodies. The governments of the world are working for creatures that have assisted int he development of these synthetic biologicals. They LIVE and GROW inside of your body, NOBODY IS SAFE!!

I'm so very sad because I came to know the Father and have really been working hard to turn my life around and live only for others. I want to spread love to as many people as possible, in hopes that the impending calamity can be averted for some. It is too late for us but not for all of humanity. Please, cast off selfish desires and STAND before your local government. SPEAK OUT! When Christ said he will fight with the sword of his mouth, adopt that mentality and use the sword of your mouth to FIGHT. Fear of death is instilled into us by evil people who know the power of our voices. God commanded Jonah to go and "cry" (cry out?) to the people about their impending doom and what happened? They halted their behavior and changed their direction. I believe the LORD is still with us, but only if we use what we know against those who would seek to abolish his law.

My videos may be freely used and distributed by ANYONE. I don't care about money or fame or any of that pointless stuff. I ONLY have the video "monetized" because Rumble won't display it in search results if it isn't. I haven't made a single PENNY on any of my videos, nor do I care if they do. I fight for my FATHER's vision of humanity - one in which we love and help each other without corruption from money or power. I desire nothing in return. Sites better than Rumble are BITCHUTE and JOSHWHO If you know of other sites that do not have censorship, PLEASE LIST THEM IN THE COMMENTS.
Gab @healgodschildren healgodschildren@proton.me

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