QSI Class on Liquidity vs Illiquidity: Identifying & Assessing Risks in Stellar (Dec 1, 2023)

1 year ago

Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t1aspFtOfyVIWAhNCcRCPPq1JjPJLKRR/view?usp=drive_link

- What is market liquidity & illiquidity
- Differences between and examples of liquid and illiquid assets
- Liquidity risk in various asset classes
- High v low liquidity
- How to assess liquidity in investments
- Bid, Ask, Spread, Market Depth
- What events/factors influence liquidity
- Impact on market value, price, price volatility
- Stellar ICOs (QSIGF ICOs)
- How to leverage illiquidity to your benefit, why illiquidity is not always a "bad thing"
- Liquidity = Stability = Security, so Illiquidity = Instability = Insecurity
- How to create your own sovereign trust/wealth fund

Stellar Trading 101: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdk2EOd3AK4
Stellar Trading 201: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJf86-AolrY
Trading Psychology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6Gnjefc5EU
Fed Declas, Market Crashes, CBDCs: https://rumble.com/v29p2g6-11-7-2022-qsi-nick-declas-on-the-fed-central-banks-and-cbdcs-all-under-whit.html

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Legitimate Stellar Developers for the QFS:
StellarRussia: https://t.me/stellarrussia
Lumendex: https://t.me/lumendexchannel
MrPotato’s House: https://t.me/stellarmrpotatohouse
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS): https://t.me/masofficialchannel
QAZEmpire23: https://t.me/QAZEmpire23
Synergy Foundation: https://t.me/synergyfoundation
Stellar Moon Bunny: https://t.me/StellarMoonBunnyWarren
Tokens Foundation: https://t.me/TokensFound
Vanguard Foundation (Sopnendu Mohanty/MAS): https://t.me/vanguardfoundations
White Hats Home: https://t.me/thewhitehatshome
Project Overledger: https://t.me/projectoverledger

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