1Dec23 Simply Murder — NZ TrumpShot Whistleblower Brings the Records

1 year ago

Simply Murder.  Whistleblower comes forward in NZ with documents showing some batches of TrumpShots had over 20% of deaths — immediately!   This follows whistleblower data showing that elites had given themselves and some doctors/nurses vaccine exemption while having some of the most intolerant mandates anywhere
"White Lung Syndrome".  Is this anything new or merely a hyped sequel to the "pandemic"?  The timing is even more suspicious
DeSantis / Newsome debate shows why Democrats prefer censorship to debate. 
Florida's Democrat Party has decided to pretend there are no other candidates (Congressman Dean Phillips just entered, Marrianne Williamson has been in) and skip the primary.   No primary, no debate — but hey, Democracy!
DARPA & GE weapons research hacked — included mRNA experiments

In Ireland, Limerick Councilman (an immigrant from Bangladesh) demanded police shoot Irish protestors in the head, beat them to death.  And now signs saying "Irish Lives Matter" are "hate speech".  The Irish government has a public plan to flood Ireland with Muslims from Northern Africa and the MidEast
INTERVIEW What's Next in War, Economy, Gold
Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.com — everyone now agrees that interest rates will go down next year as Gerald has been saying but will it be sooner or later?  With Ukraine doing so poorly on the battlefield, what will they do to continue the war? And the Israeli war resumes…

For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

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