健康小品 - 有效防感冒, 醫師公開獨門配方

10 months ago

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# How to make light black bean soup and recommended serving size
Light Tempeh Soup Serving Suggestions

* 🌱 Light tempeh can generally be purchased in Chinese herbal medicine stores. It is recommended that you have it as a spare.

* 🥄 The amount of light tempeh is generally about 15 grams. For children aged 3-10 years old, the amount can be halved or used one-third.
* 💧 Light tempeh does not need to be soaked in water, just rinse it with water and it is ready to use.

* 🧅 Use one green onion and three to four shallots. For children, reduce the amount by half.

* 🍲 Put the light tempeh and scallions into the pot, add 500 ml of water and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
* ☕ After cooking for 15 minutes, add green onions and cook for 5 minutes to complete the soup.

* 🛑 The time to drink soup can be determined according to the symptoms. When the symptoms disappear, you can stop drinking soup.
健康小品 - 有效防感冒, 醫師公開獨門配方

# 淡豆豉湯的製作方法和份量建議
淡豆豉 湯 份量建議

* 🌱 淡豆豉一般可以在中藥材店買到,建議大家可以備用。

* 🥄 淡豆豉的份量一般是15克左右,3-10 歲小朋友的份量可以減半或者用三分之一。
* 💧 淡豆豉不需要浸水,只需要用水沖一沖就可以備用了。

* 🧅 大蔥用一條,小蔥用三至四條,小朋友的份量減半。

* 🍲 淡豆豉和蔥段放進鍋裡,加水500毫升煮滾,然後調小火煮15分鐘。
* ☕ 煮15分鐘後,再放入蔥白,煮5分鐘即可完成湯。

* 🛑 喝湯的時間可以根據症狀來決定,當症狀消失時可以停止喝湯。

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