1 year ago


Back again with another live and I am excited to share one of the most powerful truths that has been kept from us by many deceivers and messengers throughout our life time and for thousands of years before us

The BIG LIE is now in the Light and the more we can start embracing this powerful truth, the more we start to see how magical this Human Experience really is

We are all Gods Children
We are the children of the light
We all have Christ within us
We are Gods - The I AM
and everyday we Get to experience life to the fullest - The true definition of Heaven on Earth

There are many people who do all they can to fight against this by giving their own interpretations of scripture. They will put out fear and keep you looking outside of yourself.

They become powerless the moment you free yourself when you Fully embrace God and God has made that simple for us

The Bible is an instruction manual for us.


Words can never be the full truth, they are pointers and the BIBLE is all about interpretation

Yet if we just take the time to look at Scripture and read exactly what certain passages say, then it will be so clear to see

We will go through many examples left for us in the Bible that confirm we are Christ Consciousness and that we are Gods

This experience on earth is all about finding the truth which is to know Thy Self
No one can ever tell you the meaning of the feelings you are experiencing inside your body.
They can offer advice, they can share stories and pass on wisdom, yet only YOU can ever know what takes place within and therefor only you can truly ever deScribe those feelings.

You become the Scribes to your life, like the Scribes before us

This will be a really positive LIVE and will also help expand your thinking to see how simple we can make our lives by exploring the wisdom and teachings left before us all created by God through his children

The world is changing and it sure is getting more and more exciting knowing that God Wins

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