Episode #20:The Death of Truth: How to Act When You're Not Allowed To Say What's Happening - Part 1

10 months ago

In The Road to Serfdom, F. Hayek dedicates an entire chapter to the Death of Truth.

Like so many far sighted prophecies, Hayek too stubbed his toe on the truth when he wrote that masterpiece back in 1944.

We live in a world where you can no longer say what's true with impunity... or even ebate what might be true. Your job is to ignore your senses and obey. But what's even worse the censorship is that fact that no one really wants to talk about difficult topics.

That to me - more than any other signal of the coming collapse - is what makes me pessimistic for the near term. There is a big coming to Jesus moment out there for most of the deluded Western nations. We blow up other people's pipelines... deny that immigration is a problem... and keep printing fake money units to cover our collective assess. It will not end well - and everyone knows it.

But even at this late hour, there would still be a way out if only people who care about each other and about the future would just talk about what's happening. Sadly...

It appears that we no longer can. Not because we won't but because we are not able to.

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